
987 22 6

Three Years Ago


"Gena?" Rowan shouts at me, her frantic voice echoing in my ears. I can barely hear her over the sound of my pounding heart. "Gena you need to stop the bleeding she's-"

"I know! Can't you see that I am trying?"

"Please Gena." She sobs.

"Rowan." I snap, causing her to look at me. She's trembling like a leaf. "She was shot near her femoral artery. If I fuck this up she dies."

Rowan's green eyes go wide. "Femoral artery? I-- what-- this is so confusing."

"Then shut up and listen to me." I shift my hand to put more pressure on the wound as I check her pulse. It's there, but her skin is cold and she's gone pale.


"I need to make a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. It should slow the bleeding long enough to make it land... Hopefully."


"It's our best bet. I need you to take a deep breath and move your hands here-" I gesture to mine. "Apply direct pressure, alright?"


"Rowan! Please!"

She looks at me, takes a shaky breath and wipes the tears in her eyes away with the back of her arm. Her strawberry blonde hair sticks to her cheeks as she nods.


"Keep your hands steady. You can't slip while I do this. It's a matter of time, alright?"

She nods. "Alright."

I move to my feet once she's in place, eyes scanning the room for something— anything— that I can use for a makeshift tourniquet. It's been a long time since med school, but I can make it work. I have too.

"W-What-" a soft voice begs behind me. "What's happening, where... Why are you here?"

"Tess?" Rowan squeaks, "G-Gena! She's awake again!"

"Good, that's good." I spot a busted handle attached to an old cabinet. "Keep her awake."

"Okay. Okay. Tess, it's me. Rowan. How are you doing?"  

"Waters?" Tess slurs.. "Waters wh.... What's going on?"

"You were shot... and now you're bleeding. Gena is trying to stop the bleeding so you don't bleed to death."

Grunting, I dig one of my heels into the cabinet and tug as hard as I can. It loosens with a squeal before ultimately giving out.



"Yeah." I answer, out of breath as I move back to Rowan and Tess. "It's gonna be okay. I went to med school, I know a few things."

Tess' eyes lock with mine for a moment. They're dilated, blinking sleepily as if she were in a daze. They slowly trail downwards. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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