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Marci POV
Hi readers I am Marci the female version of Marx.
The only difference is that I'm chaotic good not chaotic neutral. Ok I will let you talk to the main characters bye!

Snowberry POV
OH MY STARCLAN WE ARE TWOLEGS! The figure floated to us and you will never guess who it was. Marx. My brother-in-law. "Hi my friends!" Marx said to everyone.
"Marx? Is that you" says Silverheart clearly having a very sad tone in her voice. "Yes it is. Like my real form?"
"It's...... horrifying" Silverheart says tentatively.
Hawkgaze POV
I want to kill him. I know it is not possible but I wish I could. "It's horrifying!?" Marx says annoyed well do you want to see what it can do? No... I don't says Silverheart right as she says that he stabs my mate through the heart.
Marx's POV
Hey back already for my point of view?
I see the delicious sight of fruit punch (Marx speak for blood).
"Dinner time everyone!" I call out.
Hawkgaze and Silverheart run out crying, poor souls, oh well it's dinner time. All of my friends come out of nowhere and begin to eat the bitch Snowberry.
(A/N: Snowberry is not a bitch and I hate you so much right now Marx1sasunaru
The best part to eat is the heart, it always has the most fruit punch. Since I was the one who killed the I got first pick of what part I get so I of course chose the heart. "Hey OG Marx what are you going to do about the others?" Human Marx. "Good question they are going to go to the market and when they do then I will decide. Hey I have an idea!"
All of the other Marx ask "what is it"
I point at the Human male Marx, the chaotic evil Marx. "You. The other chaotic evil Marx. And Marci. The chaotic good one. Go to the Warriors world and kill everyone there."
"Are you sure it's a good idea to send them together to kill a entire world?" Says cat Marci
"Well of course. It will bring my OTP together" Marx replies cheerfully.
"What?" Asks human Marci
"Nothing *cough* just that they will get married in chapter 8 *cough* What?" Marx gives them a sadistic smile. (A/N when gygus marx smiles he has to rip open the skin in front of his mouth. It's kind of like ,in a way ,Slenderman, depending on what story you go off of)

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