12 ~ Love

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"we are never going to find this flower" you yelled while you slammed your head against the table.

"wow I can feel the hope radiating off of you" jaehyun said sarcastically.

"cheer up y/n" yugyeom said with a worried expression as he placed his hand on your shoulder in attempt to comfort you.

"yeah I don't know why you need to find this specific flower anyways" taeyong sighed.

It had been a week and a half of searching but all the rare flowers you showed the boys were not the one they were looking for. You had stated running out of flowers to show them and you were beginning to lose hope.

But in a last attempt at trying to find the flower you decided to try to recruit more people, which is how you ended up somehow convincing taeyong to help you look for the magical flower. Although, you may have left out the magical part, for some reason the tiny people who had been living with you for almost two weeks now were very against taeyong knowing about them.

You were confused as to why but you could have sworn you heard jin say something about jaehyun and yugyeom already spending too much time with you.

"listen we can try again tomorrow, I have to head to work now" yugyeom stated while he got up. You watched as yugyeom rushed out of the apartment, he was clearly going to be late. You sighed but then got up from your chair while you packed up your things shoving the large flowers books into your bag "yeah, I should leave too" you said

You yawned exhausted from your lack of sleep since you spent way too much time looking for this supposed magical flower. You shuffled to the apartment door while you shoved on your shoes.

"thanks for having us over jaehyun" you said while you lazily waved your hand and went to open jaheyuns door.

Jaehyun smiled but waved as you opened the door "no problem. Also, don't worry I'll send you some more flower pictures after so get some sleep" you yawned again while you spoke "alright see you later" you walked out of the apartment but as you closed the door you could clearly hear taeyong.

"why is she so obsessed with flowers anyway"

"long story" jaehyun sighed

"a very long story" you grumbled out before lazily walking back home.


You entered your apartment and immediately took off your shoes kicking them to a random spot not caring where they landed. You were exhausted from the hours you spent hunched over at jaehyuns places flipping through a book.

But as you walked a few steps into your apartment you heard a scream "y/n you're home, I missed you" the exhaustion was momentarily forgotten as you smiled hearing the voice. You don't know why but the boys always made you smile. You walked over to the kitchen counter and you smiled seeing jimin slightly bouncing back and forth on his feet.

you chuckled and lifted up jimin in your hand and you brought your hand closer to your cheek. Jimin had developed this weird habit of kissing your cheek whenever you went to bed or when you arrived back home, now you weren't complaining, you thought it was absolutely adorable.

Jimin kissed your cheek and you went to put him back on the counter but you were surprised to see all the boys lined up at the counter. You laughed seeing the way taehyung lifted his arms trying to reach up to you.

Well...jimin and all the boys seemed to have picked up the weird habit. You sighed knowing they all wanted to do their odd greeting it seemed.

"hurry" taeyhung said while you chuckled. You picked them up one by one. After they greeted you they all followed you to the end of the table where you sat. You simply took out your phone and opened it.

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