Reset? Or new beginning?

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

((Y/N) POV)

How many has it been?





I stopped counting long ago as all I could feel now was the intent to kill this tiny human and finally see my brother again.

...but this never happened.

They came back.

And I killed them.

They came back once more.

And I killed them again.

The cycle continues.

And it never ends.

It only stops if someone's tired.

But it never stops unless both are tired.

I've seen it all.

Yet I've seen nothing.

.... this must've been how sans felt.

I stood in judgement hall as I watched the human enter the room, save, then continued towards me while I blocked their entrance with bones. I noticed the power radiating off of them and knew it wasn't enough to beat me, but enough to defeat me. As they drew closer I readied myself knowing just exactly they were capable of, but still curious on what they could do. They stood in front of me once again as I smiled and laughed.


The room darkened after that as I stood there letting the shadows cover my eyes. I didn't bother to say my lines as I knew they've heard it plenty of times and just initiated the fight. The look on their face showed that they didn't care and instantly went to attack me. I swiftly dodged the attack as I chuckled.

(Y/N):tell me, have you been keeping track on how many times we've went through this?

The expression they wore on their face showed that they either didn't care or they lost count as well.

(Y/N):oh well its no big deal I'll just add another one to the list.

With that being said I launched my usual first attack since it was almost guaranteed to hit them.... or so I thought. I watched as they dodged the attack with ease before trying to slash me again, in which I ever so kindly dodged.

(Y/N):why do you do this? Is there a reason? A motive? Or just plan and simple boredom?

I launched my second special attack not paying attention to the fact that they dodged it easily as well since I was distracted by my question. They attempted to strike me again as I dodged once more.

(Y/N):surely your not just doing this for fun. To see me and everyone suffer.

I readied my next attack as I shook my head.

(Y/N):that's exactly why isn't it?

Their face remained emotionless as I sent my attack towards them. They seemed to struggle slightly to keep up with it but they lived nonetheless. They charged me attempting to hit me but much to their dismay I stepped to the side avoiding it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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