"I'm not tryna fall in love, I just wanna get fucked up

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Prompt: "I'm not tryna fall in love, I just wanna get fucked up"
Pairing(s): CanaxMirajane, NatsuxGray, SilverxGildarts

"Maybe if you didn't drink so much, shit like this wouldn't happen!" Silver snapped at Cana as he fretted over her. She looked like she'd been in a fight, parts of her clothing torn, several of her fingernails were broken, and a bruise was deepening on her left eye.

"Dad!" Gray yelled, "That's enough! You know she was the victim here!" He knew his dad didn't mean to scream. Silver he was just scared for her, and with Gildarts out of town, he felt responsible. Gray was scared too.

Cana's eyes were wild, looking around Silver and towards the front door of the house. Silver caught the direction of her gaze and moved to block her.

"Don't even think of going out again, young lady!"

"You're not my father, you're Gray's father, and I don't even know what my father sees in you. I hate you!" Cana's words were slurred, but they impacted Silver just as much as if every syllable had been enunciated perfectly.

She locked herself in her room, turning the music on as loud as she dared so that they couldn't hear her sobs. They had only been living together as a family for a few months, but this was the first time her father had left her alone with Gray and his dad.

She was still shaken from what had happened and to make things worse she knew Silver was right. She did drink too much, made stupid decisions like the one that had gotten her in trouble that very night. It had been nothing out of the ordinary, she'd met a guy, and they'd hit it off, but she hadn't expected him to try anything. He'd seemed nice, and she'd let her defenses down and when he'd offered to give her a ride home she'd accepted.

When they got to the house he wouldn't let her get out of the car, and then he started kissing her, and that part had been okay but when he tried to do more she started to fight back, and that's when everything turned ugly, even though it was still a bit hazy. Cana didn't remember how she had gotten the shiner, and she knew she'd been lucky that Silver had come home and figured out what was happening.

She shouldn't have said those things to him, he beat the crap out of that guy for trying to take advantage of her. They weren't even true, she loved him, and she knew exactly what her dad saw in him, it was all the things she had seen in Gray in high school, but as a friend.

Now Silver would call her dad and tell him everything, or even worse what if he left her dad cause he couldn't deal with her? Oh, god, no! It had taken her dad all this time to find someone he liked after her mother died. She couldn't be responsible for ruining that for him. Her anxiety started to kick in, and she couldn't breathe.

I fuck everything up, that's all I ever do! Damn it, I need a drink!

She changed her clothes and cleaned herself up a bit before opening the window in her room and climbing out. There was a bar not too far from their house, she could be there in ten minutes.


Cana entered the bar and was disappointed to see a different bartender. This one had pink hair, and he was looking at her with concern, probably trying to figure out whether he should serve her or not, she thought.

Before he had a chance to say anything, she ordered her usual drink, and after deliberating for a few seconds, he went and mixed it.

"Here you go," The bartender handed her the drink, "You want a steak or something?"

"What?" Cana arched an eyebrow finding the comment somewhat random, and confused to find that small gesture hurt.

"For your eye, it's swelling up," He replied, "There might be some frozen vegetables out back."

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