Part 21 - Seconds of Eternity

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"This stupid planet needs a name," Sandra Sloane complained as she stacked crates of harvested mushrooms and peas.

"I dunno," Tristan Curtis replied, "How about New Pennsylvania?"

Verinold added a crate of freshly-picked asparagus. "Pennsylvania?"

"Yes, the climate's kinda like it is here," Tristan explained. Sandra shook her head so he hastily changed his position. "New Ikaaria?"

"No," Verinold stated, "It seems presumptuous."

"It's like a damned speakeasy," Sandra said. They both looked at her blankly, so she added, "You know, it's a secret place. You can practically only get in with a password." She leaned over, holding her side. "I gotta take a break."

Verinold put a crate down onto the ground and she sat down on top of it. "Are you well?" he inquired.

"I dunno. I feel dizzy."

Tristan clicked open his communicator. "Yeah? Doctor Phlox? Sandra's not feeling well."

"Let's get her beamed back aboard. I'll have Mister Torres do that as soon as you can give him your coordinates. Phlox out."

Some of the dogs came over. They, too, seemed to be concerned. Champ, a rangy hound mix, practically glued himself to Sandra's side. "You can't come with me," she told him. There was a pause. "My stomach hurts like I've got really bad cramps. I feel hot."


She beamed aboard and nearly collapsed, José ended up carrying her to Sick Bay.

In Sick Bay, José lay Sandra down on a bio bed and the trouble was easy to discern. There was a stain of blood between her legs. José turned away quickly. "I, uh, I better go," he mumbled, beating a hasty retreat out of there as the doctor worked the controls that brought the bio bed into the Sick Bay imaging chamber. "Six weeks," he reported after a while, as he reversed the bed out of the chamber.

"What?" asked Sandra groggily.

"You're six weeks along," clarified the Denobulan, "But no more heavy lifting. It's not good for the baby."


"Crewman, you seem to be in a bit of denial. Perhaps it's some cognitive dissonance – you did suffer from that last time. You're definitely pregnant. I take it Crewman Curtis is the father?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. I better tell him."

"And you'd best tell him you'll be back on the ship for a while. You very nearly miscarried today. Not only are you to cease all farming activities immediately, and all heavy lifting, but I also want you here so that I can closely monitor your and the baby's health."

"Right. Huh, I'll need a replacement on the surface, too. That harvest won't just up and bring itself in." She clicked open her communicator. "Sloane to Curtis. Yeah, Tristan, it's me. I've gotta stay here."

"Did you get hurt?" he asked as Verinold hovered nearby, almost as concerned.

"No, but, uh, Tris, I'm pregnant."

There was a pause. "Holy cow, Sandra. I mean, uh, you wanna get married?"


Marriage was on everyone's mind, as T'Pol and Tripp were finally tying the knot that day. The captain had practiced and practiced, trying to get the ceremony just right. It was to be a combination of Earth and Vulcan customs and rituals. Switching from one culture's traditions to another's was proving to be more difficult than he had initially expected.

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