Her Doe Eyes

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At the hybrid center, they didn't play much

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At the hybrid center, they didn't play much. Soft instrumentals drowned out by the chatter of the dogs, the groaning of the cats, and the gnawing of the rodents. Your ear twitched. Out of all the songs they played, All of Me was your favorite. Maybe it's because your shy soul was lonely. The longing voice of a woman from the 1920s resonated with your soul as your sunken twinkly eyes peered through the glass of the hybrid center.

Nose twitching as people entered. Would they take all of you? A high maintenance bunny girl who needs almost constant attention?

"Hey, there sexy!" Howled Wonho the rowdy buck. Your stomach dropped. He was the worst heat partner.Namjoon was so oblivious to the incompatibilities but he still paired you with the boner buck.

You're ears dropped. Your face hiding between your knees as people walked right past you. Not caring. You were used to the stain of being a less desired hybrid. Yet Wonho chose today of all the days to taunt you.

"Oh shut it Wonwhore!" Yoongi shot back. His eyes slits and the scales on his face glistening in the yellow lights of the center. Everyone feared the snake hybrids. This one clung to you. Yoongi, why couldn't he have been a buck? If he was...if he was. You could only imagine him as a mate. He would have the blackest of ears and a maybe a spot of white on his cottontail. Your fantasy crushed as he lets out a hiss. Unconsciously reminding you of his reptilian resemblance.

However, your ears were listening to Yoongi while your eyes landed on the doors to the center. The bells chimes as they were pushed open by the most ...daunting man you have ever laid eyes on. Your tail wiggling, a little ball of cotton trembling as he walked his way around the hybrids. The bitches whimpering for him. The pussies mewling for him. And the does, especially you thumping the floor for him. Your toes and tail trembling as he walked passed the does.

His eyes black holes as they steal the breath from your lungs, along with your breath they stole your sense of shame as your eyes became moons for him. Your knees pressing into the pillow under you, your hands sitting between your thighs as the rug indented into your palms. He stood over you, his dark hair, his black suit, his shined shoes, his black tie, and his silver watch.

"What's your name deary?" He looked down at you, his eyes looking at nothing else but you. The way your knees pressed into the carpet under the weight of his gaze. You could feel the envy from those around you. The growling from Wohno across the room not even registering for you.

"Y-Y/n." Your eyes never leaving him. His pink lips most intriguing thing. His large hands reaching out to you. Your tail just about to tremble off of you. His hot touch against your jaw and cheek. "You're such a pretty girl." He hummed. "Tell me Deary. Do you like it here?" He bends over sharply, not even a bend in his knee.

Your cheeks flamed. "I-I..."

He chuckles as he watches you trip over your words. "Such a shy girl. So quiet. I suppose that's good though..." He thinks out loud. His head turning to call over Namjoon. Yoongi's hiss lingering in the air. "Sir! How much is this doe?"

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