-Chapter Un-

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I always knew I was different from everyone. At three months old I said my first word. At Five months old I recited my first incantation, and within eighth months of my life I could walk. I was and still am insecure because of my diffrences. So at the age of two my aunts decided to put me in dance and acrobat classes. Within in the span of three years I was very skilled. At seven I began attending school with my cousin Sabrina even though I wasn't half mortal, but a full born witch or so I thought. I befriended several mortals while continuing my dance and acrobat classes. I really hated school, but no matter how hard I tried not too I excelled in every class mortal and witch.

At the ripe age of thirteen I ditched America and traveled to Moscow,Russia for a school of the arts. I stayed with a thirteen member coven for two years as they nurtured me in the dark arts and watched me grow into a Prima ballerina and a top nation-wide gymnast. Sadly my mortal life forced me to move out of the spotlight and move back to the drowsy town of Greendale. Back to the life I had so desperately escaped.

On my flight home I heard how my brave but idiotic cousin had ran away from her dark baptism. I understood why, but now my own baptism was expected to go without a kink... and I had many. I was only three months younger then Sabrina which ticked me off quite a bit. My father died with my uncle,as soon as my mother got word she disapeared.

I recived many disgusted stares as I got off the plane. Maybe it was my tatoos, my dark clothing, my many piercings or I guess they were jealous of the amount of clout I had. My aunts, cousin waited for me as I walked out of baggage claim. Hilda ran as fast as she could on her shorrt, plump legs to me. "Oh dearie my how big you've grown" she said as she wiped away her tears. " Always one for the dramatics Hilda" Zelda said. "Its lovely to see you again Rhiannon, but i must say what in the bloody heavens have you done to your skin and your face oh my" she continued. "Oh hush I think she looks quiet dashing and badass if I must say" Hilda rambled. "Hello Luna it is very nice to see you again after two years you have changed a lot" Sabrina said.

"It is quite good to see you all again I said to three of my family members." I stated as we walked out the doors to a secluded spot. I took in the scenery of Riverdale,It wasn't much different then I remembered. As we came around the back of a building we all held hands as Hilda and Zelda said the teleportation spell. Three seconds later we were standing in the foyer of the Spellman manor. I look around and laughed before everything went dark.

So that's the first chapter please fill free to leave a comment for any spelling mistakes give this chapter a like

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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