34HIT Kiss

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"Alright class, for the project..." Miss Bitch thought for a moment. "Just do something that will impress me. You can start it this lesson if you want or do it all as homework."

Everybody began thinking or murmering to the people around them, asking them what they were going to do but Nagisa simply inspected the class. Who should it be? Well, somebody who wouldn't shove him over, kick him in the balls, slap him, punch him, harm him in any way, pull back, had enough intelligence to know what he was doing...

Not one person fit into all of the catagories... Shit.

Well, he needed to do it to somebody, right? The project was due for Monday and this would deffinately impress Miss Bitch if he got it right.

Karma stood up and walked towards him. Guess it'll have to be Karma then. He blushed internally at the thought. He couldn't let Karma know what he was about to do. He tried to make it obvious that he was glancing at Miss Bicth beforehand, she was looking at him, confused.

So Nagisa smirked slightly and Karma stopped, almost taking a step back when he saw what the shorter boy was trying to do. For some reason, he didn't take a step back. He was also curious. If Nagisa was about to do the thing he thought he was going to do...

The blunette's smirk turned into his casual smile as he went on his tiptoes, grabbed the sides of Karma's face and brought his lips onto the red head's own.





5HIT (that looks like a naughty word :D)

He could see Miss Bicth counting.





He could hear the girls in the class squaling and could feel their gawking stares.








Karma kissed back. He seemed to have been completely frozen before that.




Koro-Sensei walked in and made a noise that was so peculiar that Nagisa chuckled into the kiss. He licked Karma's bottom lip.


Okay, the class was going nuts.


They were snogging in the classroom.


Rio was filming it.


People seemed amazed that Nagisa was dom in this sinario.



Nagisa and Karma were desperate for air but continued.




Nobody had seen Miss Bitch ever looking so excited. She looked like she was about to explode into a fangirling mess. She wasn't the only one.




Nagisa was proud that he was beating Miss Bitch's 30HIT kiss she gave him. He had this [roject in the bag.



It seemed like they were both about to pass out due to the lack of air.


Nagisa couldn't take it any more, he pulled back, gasping for air.

Miss Bitch made this incredibly high pitched squeal that sounded like a drunk chipmunk who was slowly dying and then she started fangirling about what a cute couple they would make and that she had shipped it right fromt he start.

While most of the class stared at her as if she had just turned yellow and sprouted tenticles like Koro-Sensei, a few others were making hissing noises that sounded farely inhuman.

Miss Bitch then hugged Nagisa so that his face was crushed between her... uhh... big boobies.

"Yes! Nagisa you get full marks on the project!" She squealed excitedly. "You hear that people? Nagisa is now the top of the class! Good luck impressing me after that."

She then let go of Nagisa and winked at Karma who was just standing there akwardly, pink tinting his cheeks. Who would've guessed that bad boy Karma Akabane had never been kissed before? Not only that, but he wouldn't even be the dominating one. He was kinda pissed at being sub to Nagisa but, eh. At least they got to kiss.









Well lets just say that some day in the future, they'll be sharing a one bedroom flat together.

author's notes: I don't even knwo why I wrote this. Just popped into my head and so I decided to make it. If you didn't like it or thought it was too short or too crappy, I can try and re-do it some time. Next chapter of my fanfiction Saint Midoriya will be coming out soon. I've almost finished the chapter but keep on watching anime rather than writing it. XD Whoops. You can name the dots if you want. But only one dot per person! (If you don't know what I mean then oh well). I just thought about Nagisa managing to do a 34HIT kiss on Karma and Miss Bitch fangirling. Bad mental image. Anyway, I hope you liked it and please read my other stories Broken Beyond Repair and Saint Midoriya. One should be funny and one should be depressing. Heh. That's life, kiddos.

I AM (no longer) HERE!

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