On route 46 there is a house, and no I am not talking about the Spook House, I am talking about the Orphanage. It is said that night you can hear a child's laughter, and if you interrupt play time you hear them cry and then you die. This place has inspired so many movies and ghost hunts on route 46, but who no one talks about is Lucy the one malevolent one. The story goes, that in the year 1943 there was a man who walked into the orphanage covered in blood."Whi did this to you?" asked the security guard. "Lucy" the man said with his dying breath. They took her in at the age of four, by the time she turned nine she had killed thirteen of the other orphans. Now, it is unsure how she killed them, because she would walk into a room with them and leave without. At the age of ten a man consisted her, he was a psychiatrist for the nearly mental institution. She didn't like that they called a shrink, so she chopped his head off and roll on the floor. She was the one and only kid to be killed by the staff at the orphanage for killing a guest. Yes, you heard me right other orphans killed each other to often in that place. In 1974 the Orphanage was in ash do to a fire started in the play room. You see, three minutes before the fire a boy pointed in the corner and said "I want to play with her". The staff member replied with," with who?". "Lucy" answered the boy. Three minutes after being told not to play with Lucy he screamed, and orphan and the building went up in flames. Since then Lucy travels looking for another home, another family to kill, and another house to burn to the ground. So if you see a little girl in overalls and pigtails you run.