Chapter 1

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"Miify! Ears up!" Jisoo yelled, throwing her leg up for her kwami to go into (Her miraculous is an anklet). She began to transform into a superhero. Her name was Wander Bunny. She jumped and landed onto the roof of a house. She then ran to where the trouble was. "Hawkmoth is at it again" She muttered. She ran and jumped onto the monster Hawkmoth made. Just as she did, she was thrown against a house. 

"Ah!" She screamed as she hit the house then flipped over and landed on her feet. 

"Need some help honey bun?" She heard someone say. Flipping around she saw a girl standing there. 

'Another superhero?' She questioned. "Who are you?" She asked.

 "Me? Oh well I'm Tiger Lily, Like the flower!" The girl smiled. Wander Bunny felt a weird feeling in her stomach but brushed it off. 

"Yes I do need help, Mind helping me find the Akuma?" Wander Bunny asked, Turning back to the monster. 

"Sure thing" Tiger Lily replied, Jumping into battle. Wander Bunny followed suit. After a couple of minutes of fighting, Tiger Lily turned to Wander Bunny. 

"The Akuma is in his earring!" She spoke. Wander Bunny nodded. 

"Tiger Claw!" Tiger Lily yelled, using her special ability. Her nails grew longer and sharper, much like a tiger. She bolted towards the monster and sliced open his earring, The Akuma flying out. 

Wander Bunny grabbed her weapon, A large keychain with a bunny on it. Quickly tapping the nose of the bunny, The keychain opened. She threw the keychain at the Akuma like a boomerang and captured it. The keychain came back to her. She tapped the nose of the bunny again and the purified Akuma flew away. 

"That was awesome, Honey Bun" Tiger Lily said as she walked over to Wander Bunny. 

"Don't call me that, My name is Wander Bunny" She rolled her eyes with a slight smile. 

"Oh, I know, I just like calling you that, Nice to meet you new partner" Tiger Lily smiled.

"Nice to meet you to-" She was going to say more but she heard her anklet begin to beep, telling her she was going to transform back soon. "I gotta go! Bye Tiger Lily!" She began running away when Tiger Lily stopped her.

"Why? We're partners, Shouldn't we know each other's identities" Tiger Lily looked sad. 

Wander Bunny turned around. "I'm sorry but we can't know anything about each other, Hawkmoth might find out who we are, We can't let her find us" 

"But-!" Tiger Lily began but was interrupted as her bracelet began to beep. 

"You need to go too. Goodbye Tiger Lily!" Wander Bunny said before running away.

~Later at school~

"There's been so many akuma attacks recently" Jisoo said to her best friend Rose. 

"Yeah, But the superheros always take care of it. OH! Did you see the new superhero? I heard her name is Tiger Lily, She's Wander Bunny's new partner!" Rose spoke gleefully. She had quite the admiration for the superheros, Little did she know her own best friend was a superhero herself.

"New partner huh? Sounds cool" A voice said. Jisoo's head darted to the side as she looked at the pair sitting in front of her. Her long time crush, Jennie and her best friend Lisa who also happened to be dating, Rose. Jisoo felt her face heat up.

"Y-Y-Yeah! Wander Bunny has a new partner, hehe" Jisoo spoke, watching out of the corner of her eyes as Rose rolled her eyes and smiled at her. 

"Neat, I'd like to see these two in action" Jennie smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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