(Old) Prologue: Midoriya Izuka and Her Mysterious Fox

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Tsubaki's pov:

This world is boring!

I don't even know how I stumbled into this world. I was just walking around then all of a sudden, I appeared in this boring world. Apparently this world I'm in is filled with powers called 'Quirks' which sounds interesting I suppose. Even with the rise of superpowers; this world seems too predictable. Only 80% of people have quirks while those who doesn't have one are called Quirkless.

Not interesting at all...

There are those people who use quirks for good are called heroes and there are others who are using for evil and destruction are called Villains.

Yup just like those story books where the villains wreak havoc then a hero stops them and POOF! Hero wins and the world is safe from evil!


I internally sighed and walked around a playground, waiting for the night to come so I can finally get a meal for once.

"Hey, look at this fox!"


I lazily looked up with my dark crimson red eyes to see three children looking at me with fear and curiosity. They were all boys still very young most likely their still in kindergarten although it was obvious who the leader was. He stood up front of the two children who are hiding behind him. The boy had spikey blond hair and crimson eyes that glared at my own as I stared back at him.

The boy clicked his tongue. "I don't like the way it's looking at me"

'I don't like your type either' I thought with a deadpanned.

I tell that this boy is filled pride who thinks the world revolves around him. With the cruelness in his eyes, no he's an aggressive child. I'm still questioning if I should fight back or run away? Although the thought of forever scaring these children entertained me; I didn't have the motivation to do so. Neither running away.

"So, weird I never seen a black fox with white tips on them before. They're very rare to find and this one has two tails" One of the kids said.

"Maybe it's one of those animals with quirks!" The other one said.

The two kids lowly minions talked among themselves, a wicked grin formed on their young blonde leader's lips.

"If it does have a quirk lets fight it!" the boy declared and pointed at the uncaring fox.

"Let's play heroes and fight this monstrous black fox!" Of course, despite the cruelty of his suggestion the others happily played along like mindless sheep.

'Pathetic. You are no heroes' I thought.

Still, I stood my ground uncaring about the events to come. They're going to fight me that's no surprise. They're probably going to hurt me if I don't fight back. No surprise there either.

What was surprising was what came next.

That made me meet her...

"Kacchan, stop!"

Suddenly, scrawny almost stick-like arms wrapped around my stomach. My back was pressed against stranger's chest. I could feel the rapid heartbeat pounding behind me. Whoever it was they were scared. So frightened. Yet their grip did not loosen. If anything, it only tightened. Though the arms that held me looked like they had the strength of rusty chains they still felt strong in their own way. Enough to make me think I could be protected for a moment which was very strange.

"I won't let you hurt him Kacchan!" A feminine voice yelled behind at the blondie.

'Did she just assumed my gender?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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