The Real Monkey D. Luffy

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Luffy's POV

Luffy couldn't believe his eyes.  Every store in the town was filled with meat.  Even the people themselves were walking drumsticks!  This must be heaven!  He thought as saliva hung from his open mouth.

Luffy was about to run, but Nami gripped his shoulder and held him back, "Don't, Luffy.  I don't know what you're seeing right now, but I guarantee it's not the same as what I'm seeing."

Nami's POV

Bags of berries were everywhere, but Nami knew that it had to have been some kind of illusion.  "Let's be careful, okay?  Nami said as she looked all around.

There was no reply.

Nami looked where Luffy stood mere seconds ago to see no one.  She felt her heart drop, "Luffy?  Luffy!"

"Psst!  Nami!"  A voice hissed in some nearby bushes.  "Get over here quick!"

Luffy poked his head out of the shrubbery and motioned for Nami to come.  "All you do is freak me out, Luffy!"  Nami put her hands on her hips and entered the shrubbery with Luffy.

"I know, and I really am sorry," Luffy sighed.  "It's just ... I thought I heard something.  I wanted to make sure that you were safe, Nami."

Nami felt her heart beat quicken, "That's sweet, Luffy, but I'm sure whatever's out there, we can take together."

Luffy nodded, "You're probably right, but ... I kinda just wanna stay here with you for a little while."

He put his hand on the side of Nami's face and pushed some hair behind her ear, "Nami, I ... I think I understand what you were trying to say back at the ship.  The truth is, I feel the same way about you.  I guess I just didn't know what the feelings I had for you were beforehand, but now ... I think ... I love you, Nami."

It was if he had shot an arrow through her heart.  Nami's eyes widened, This ... is actually happening!

Luffy pulled her closer to him and smiled charmingly, "You're eyes are so pretty."

Nami was beyond gone, How is this happening?  Why does he ... look so good?  What has made him so mature all of a sudden?

Suddenly, a figure appeared from further into the woods, "Nami?  What's going on?  Sorry for running away, but that meat looked so convincing!"

Nami gasped as the figure came into the light.

Another Luffy.

The Luffy next to her held her tightly, "I don't know what's going on, but I'll protect you, Nami!"

The new Luffy tilted his head in confusion, "Who are you talking to, Nami?"

The Luffy that held onto Nami took a step back, "Don't you dare touch Nami!"

The new Luffy just blinked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Nami was totally torn, This is crazy!

The first Luffy hugged her even tighter, "I'm Luffy!  I'm the one you want, Nami!"

Nami quickly saw through the illusion and broke free of the first Luffy's grip.  She quickly pulled out her clima-tact and electrocuted him.  The illusion disappeared and the new Luffy took a step back, "Uh, Nami ... are you okay?

"Stay back!"  Nami shouted, pointing her clima-tact towards him.  "Prove to me that you're the real Luffy."

Luffy frowned, "Why are you acting so crazy?  Why did you just electrocute that tree?"

"Give me some evidence or else I'll electrocute you too!"  Nami yelled.

Luffy furrowed his brows, "That's not gonna work, y'know."  He then grabbed his cheek and stretched it, "Rubber, remember?"

Well, I might as well, Nami thought.  If it's an illusion, it should vanish like the last one.  If it isn't, then at least it won't hurt him.

With that, Nami shot out the bolt of electricity and it hit Luffy head on.  No effect.  Luffy laughed, "Man, Nami!  I can't believe you actually just did that!  I told you it wasn't gonna work!  You really are acting psycho."

Nami dropped to her knees and her eyes teared up, "I ... I'm s-sorry.  I should have trusted that it was you, but ... I really didn't know, and ..."

Luffy's POV

Luffy stared at Nami kneeling on the ground.  He could tell that she was fighting back tears.  He walked over to her and reached for her hand to pick her up.  She looked up at him with watery eyes, and Luffy became furious, "Don't worry, Nami.  I'll find whoever's doing this to us and beat the crap out of him!"

No one makes my navigator cry, he thought angrily.

Nami took his hand and he pulled her off the ground, "You always find some way to cheer me up, huh?"

Luffy shrugged, "That's what friends are for.  Now, let's go find this guy and kick his ass!"

He began to trudge through the forest but once again Nami held him back, "Wait, Luffy.  I don't ... I don't want to lose you again."

Luffy nodded and quickly scooped Nami off her feet and into his arms.  Nami let out a little yelp, "Wh-what are you doing?  I ... I can walk on my own!"

Luffy looked down at her in his arms, "It's alright; there's no way you'll lose me this way."

Nami's POV

"But ..." Nami began to protest this mode of travel, but she stopped.  She liked this.

She leaned her head against Luffy's chest and they went deeper into the forest.

Clueless:  A Luffy x Nami StoryWhere stories live. Discover now