First encounters

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'Looks like he wont be back home again tonight..' the [H/c]* male thought to himself as he looked at the clock. Levi had been together with [Y/n] for 10 years. They met in middle school when [Y/n] moved into the city and had moved into the house right next to Isabel Magnolia's home. The two kids immediately became friends as their parents introduced them to each other.

[Flash back to when [Y/n] first met Isabel]

"Come here [Y/N], meet Isabel"
[Y/n]'s mom said as she moved to the side to show a shy male. Hiding behind his mothers legs, "Hi! Im Isabel!" The red haired girl said with a wide grin as she stretched her hand out to shake the males. "I-im [Y/n]..." The young boy said as he shook Isabels hands gently before he was pulled into the house with her" Lets go to my room! We can play together!"

Of course the two kids became friends quite quickly, and was time for [y/n] to go to school for the first time. [Y/n]'s mom noticed how he had already made friends with Isabel and decided to sign him up for the same school as the young girl.

"Come on! We are gonna be late [Y/N] !I wanna introduce you to Levi-Aniki and Farlan before school starts!" The enthusiastic girl said as she practically dragged the male out of the house and began walking happily to school. "Levi-Aniki can be quite fierce or mean when you first meet him,but i promise you! Levi-aniki is the best person you will ever meet!" Isabel chirped as she saw the gate of the school and two young males stood next to it. One having a frown on his face as he crossed his arms, staring at the girl as she ran over with another male behind her. "Why are you late brat?" He said with a scowl on his face as he looked at the shy male behind her "And who is this shithead?" He added as Farlan just stood there with a chuckle. "Meet [Y/n]! He just moved in a few weeks ago! We are neighbours!" Isabel said as she pushed [Y/n] towards Levi and Farlan,when Levi first saw [Y/n], he was shocked. For the first time, someone that wasnt a girl was shorter than him! But apart from that, he just looked down at the shorter male with a 'tsk' before he turned and began walking towards the school. "Dont mind him, once you get to know him. He will warm up to you, you can see he is a nice guy that has a really bad tongue. By the way, the name's Farlan. Nice to meet you [Y/n], i hope we can get to know each other more" Farlan said with a warm smile as he led the male towards the school as Isabel happily ran after Levi.

And as the years went by, the four of them got closer together. They entered high school together and Farlan and isabel were also the ones who helped [Y/n] come out of the closet and confess to Levi at his 16th birthday. And ever since then, Levi and [Y/n] were a couple and Farlan and isabel got together soon after.

(time skip to after they get their results for their national exams)

"Levi-Aniki! [Y/N]! We both got a scholarship for the school we wanted to attend for in france!" Isabel said with a grin as she ran towards her best friends with Farlan behind laughing "Babe,if you continue hugging [Y/N] like that, he is going to pass out from lack of air" Farlan said as he pulled Isabel away from [Y/n]. "Thats great news! But..doesnt that mean, the both of you are moving to france?" [Y/n] asked as he looked at the two with a smile, happy that the two of them got the scholarship and could pursue their dreams "Yeah..thats the sad part..but we can skype every night!" Isabel suggested as Farlan nodded in agreement.

[End of flashback]

"Those were good times" [Y/n] said with a laugh as he looked at his computer screen, seeing the happily married couple in front of him, Isabel and farlan had gotten married and decided to open a cafè in Paris so they stayed in France." Its a shame Levi-Aniki isnt here to talk about the old times with us" Isabel said with a slight frown"Isnt it 3am where youre at? Why isnt he home?" She asked as she checked her phone "Oh..well he said he has overtime" [Y/n] said with a yawn as he looked at the clock "Well, i should head to bed. Talk to you guys tomorrow" He said before he shut his computer and placed it aside. Letting out a soft sigh as he walked towards the balcony, he stood there with a cup of coffee in his hands as he enjoyed the night breeze. He had a feeling that Levi was cheating on him, but he refused to believe it..he couldn't believe it! They had been together for far too long and [Y/n] thought he knew Levi well enough to know if the male had gotten bored of him.

[H/c] = Hair colour
[Y/N] (notice the capital N) = Your nickname
[Y/n] = Your name

<hope this helped :333>

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