Its over

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After a whole night of dancing, [Y/n] finally reached home. He opened the door and noticed that there were clothes on the floor. Not only his boyfriends, but someone else's.

He placed his things as he made his way quietly towards his shared bedroom. He could hear grunts, moans, skin slapping onto each other. Both from his boyfriend and most likely that Petra girl, he opened the door with a shakey hand as he looked inside. Scaring both of them as they both scrambled to get clothes on "Oh my god! Levi! Didnt you say he isnt coming home today?" Petra asked as she quickly put on her undergarments and her shirt. Levi didnt answer as he looked at the heartbroken male at the door "Leave." [Y/n] said to Petra as he glared at her, when she didnt move, [Y/c] just grabbed her by her wrist and shoved her out of the house.

Levi tried going after her and when she was shoved, he slammed his hands on the table "[Y/N]!How could you do that to her you brat!" He growled as he heard a soft heart broken chuckle. "When did you start cheating?" [Y/n] asked as he looked at the male with tired eyes "TELL ME!" He yelled as he shoved all the cups and plates off the table. Shattering them "About 1 year ago." Levi spat as he glared at the mess he made "Was i never enough? WAS I NEVER ENOUGH FOR YOU LEVI?" [Y/n] asked as he yelled at the shorter male "HOW COULD YOU?I LOVED YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!AND THIS IS WHAT YOU REPA-" He got cut off when he heard the male's infamous 'tch'. [Y/n] was shaking in anger as he glared at Levi "Of course i can do this to you. Look at yourself brat, you are so pathetic, so naive, you fall for anything i tell you. If that isnt pathetic i dont know what is. And look at you, you arent good looking, you dont have a nice body. Hell, you cant even clean properly. Whereas Petra, shes beautiful, she is independent, she even has a decent job" The last line set off [Y/n], he laughed loudly as he slammed his hands against the wall "A...decent job? Have you forgotten, why i am a pole dancer? HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT I GAVE UP MY FUCKING DREAMS TO START MY OWN FUCKING BAKERY SO YOU CAN GO AND TRAIN TO BECOME A POLICE?!I gave everything up for you Levi," The male yelled as tears fell from his cheeks as he stepped towards Levi, who still had his emotionless look "You said you didnt have enough money. So i stopped studying, i picked up 3 jobs. And that still wasnt enough, i even told you back when you wanted to marry me. To wait, wait till we are both stable. I pushed back everything for you, i became a fucking pole dancer and was about to start selling my body because i..just wanted to see you fufil your dreams Levi" With each word, tears fell as he got softer "You dont think i was in pain when i saw Isabel and Farlan getting married? Having their kids? Fufiling their dreams? While i am here...dancing for money. Stripping for money. I dont ask for much Levi..i just want to be able to come home to my loving boyfriend, thats all i ask for. But no, you just had to cheat on me didnt you? Why? Does my body bore you?" He asked as he wiped his tears away. "You know..whats funny is that i was going to tell you i got a scholarship to go and study pastry making...maybe even go on a nice dinner with you, but looks like it isnt happening." He said as he let out a dry chuckle. "You know what, i'll leave. I hope she can give you the happiness you couldn't get from me" He said as he grabbed his luggages and threw them on the ground, walking pass the male who just stood there, Levi reached to grab the males shoulder but was shoved away "DONT TOUCH ME LEVI! YOU DONT LET ANYONE TOUCH YOU WITH FILTHY HANDS, NOT EVEN ME!BUT GUESS WHO HAS THE FILTHIEST HANDS OF THEM ALL? YOU." [Y/n] yelled as he continued walking all over the house, grabbing all of his belongings and shoving them into his luggage. After an hour, he finally was done packing "I wish you happiness Levi" He said with a sad smile as he walked towards the male and placed something in Levis hands. A ring "I was also going to propose to you but..maybe you can give it to her instead" He said before he turned his back and left the house and out of Levi's life.

*Levis POV*

"I was also going to propose to you but..maybe you can give it to her instead" I looked down in my hands and noticed a beautiful pair of rings as my lover...well, Ex-lover walked out of my life. It took me a while to fully process what had just happened, my best friend who i have been together with, just walked right out of my life.

*End of Levi's POV*

The Ravenette stood there as he curled his fists, shoving everything off the walls and shelves. However, no tears were shed. Even if he wanted to cry, he couldn't. All he could do was scream and kick things around, after a whole hour of his breakdown. His house was a mess, tables and chairs were broken. The mirror was shattered, the photo frames filled with pictures of him and his ex lover. Laid on the ground, broken into millions of pieces, he sat on the couch as his brain replayed every single memory he shared with [Y/n]. His hands bleeding from all the glass that he had shattered "Im sorry.." He whispers as he looked around his home. It felt empty, it didnt feel like home. And all this happened because he wasn't faithful enough to his beautiful boyfriend.

*Authors note*
[i noticed how other fanfics made levi cry but i felt as if that was too out of character. If he didnt cry when his best friends died, he wouldn't cry during a break up. So yeah, thats why i didnt make him cry and instead made him lash out at everything]

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