liked by shaheernsheikh and 7584692 others
@iam_ejf: That tiny little bean. Who knew that small feet could leave such big imprints on your heart.
show all 457894 comments
@sharicalove: YESYESYESYES
@shaicababy: hello mommy and daddy!
@sona_d: The baby already has a fanaccount! lol thats hilarious.
@shaheernsheikh: we made that!
@birdiesns: awwwie!
@shricaafan: The baby already looks so much more beautiful than me.
@devakshi_krpkab: The baby has the absolute best parents in the world.
@realhinakhan: Congratulations on your developing little one.
@deadinsideout: OMG! You are having a baby! Sleep well now, it may be your last chance for the next three years!
@erishah: An angel is missing from heaven! Heard it will be found in your home? Welcome to parenthood! Now you should skill up know how to sing lullabies and follow the stories!
Instagram | Sharica
FanfictionWell talking about this fanfic! Its all about sharica and us! We all have connected to Sharica through social networking sites. So i thought of coming up with this idea of writing a story through instagram! And this doesnot only include Sharica But...