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I was relieved to finally get back to my chambers and get away from everyone...especially Purple. He'd always been a little off- in fact that was one of the things I liked about him. He kept things from becoming too boring. - but lately, he'd really been getting on my nerves. It just seemed like with each passing success of Operation Impending Doom II, after each year, after each time of speaking to the Irken masses, it seemed like I had matured even more into the role of one the Tallest while he just remained the same as ever. It was refreshing at first but now it was just as monotonous as everything else...and so just as annoying. Actually...more annoying, really, since he'd always been the one I'd hung around with to have fun and now I had no release from my everyday life.

It was nice to be respected and admired, but for once, I'd love to hang around someone who didn't just follow my lead or act stupid without regarding me. I guess I just want to be challenged again...like when I had to attend the Academy as a smeet or when I was being trained to take the role of Tallest.

I sighed as I lay back on my ample bed, themed in red and pink like my uniform, the walls a deep green. I went over everything that had happened in the last few months...Really nothing bad, but it seemed like everything was getting into a rut. It just wasn't exciting any more. The more races we took over and the more planets we destroyed, the less we were challenged to war- and we didn't have many willing to be our enemies in the first place.

In fact it was going so well that just about all the Invaders were assigned to their third or fourth planet to conquer in order to further our control. The only one that hadn't made any progress seemed to be Zim.

I frowned at that. In all honesty, it's not like we really knew Zim's progress. We cut off our side of communications with him years ago, deciding that if he couldn't call, maybe he would give up and accept his exile.

Not that I'd tell anyone, but I had been thinking about him more and more. Zim was a pain, but at least his calls were entertaining. His idiocy seemed to know no bounds. I had actually been tempted to call him a few times in the last few months as things dulled more and more on the Massive, but I couldn't bear to be caught by anyone in such a situation. Especially Purple...He would never let me live it down.

But you're alone now...My antenna twitched at the thought. I suppose I could try to put a small call through from my room. It's not like anyone would know.

I grabbed my small device from my PAK and brought up the connection link to Earth and patiently waited for it to go through.

I huffed quietly, counting the seconds until he answered. I started to fell nervous with each passing second. Maybe Zim really did take the hint and decided that the Empire was dead to him. I wouldn't blame him...

But after what seemed like forever and I was just about to hang up, he answered.

Only it wasn't the same as before. He didn't jump for joy...he wasn't even smiling. And he had changed physically...He was...taller..."Hello, my Tallest," he greeted respectfully, bowing slightly, the wig from his human disguise still on, though it wasn't the same as before. It was longer and more...feminine...and it seemed his antenna were slightly exposed, but luckily the same dark color as his wig. His uniform was gone, but he still wore his black gloves, reaching almost up to his elbows and from what I could see he was dressed in a pink turtle neck with black stripes across, exposing curves I never saw before.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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