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A few weeks ago I started talking to this girl. I've known her since 6th grade, but like alot of people I've known since middle school, we never really talked. We talked every now and then in middle school and all throughout highschool, but our friend groups were drastically different so we never really spent alot of time together. I feel like I've missed out on inside and out, one of the most staggeringly beautiful people this world has to offer. Just since we started talking, I've felt parts of me come back that I havnt experienced since i was a little kid. When I'm around her, time seems to stop. We went to the lake today, and I saw her walk away to a small cove. She didnt ask anyone to go with her, say anything, or do anything besides get up and walk away. It was almost like a beacon. She gravitated towards it with ease and bliss, through the cussing of friends and the blaring of Jon Pardi. It was Beautiful. She did it so quietly, like a wild animal traversing a vast forest. No one saw her, but she was all I could look at. I got up and walked over to her, clumsily as I usually do, and sat down on a small rock beside her. She looked so at peace, and understandably so. The water seemed to gravitate towards her at a calm and yearning pace. The wind swept her golden hair away from a serene face. The sounds of the water and the breeze in the trees. Umbealievably immaculate in timing and emotion. Silence seems to make everything make more sense. She sat not emotionless, but in bliss. In a place that seemed to make her feel at ease, and no longer restless or burdened by the worlds troubles. She keeps an aura of absolute and unending equanimity, almost tucked completely behind a kind and loving face, with piercing blue-green eyes that shame the likes of the stars they are made of. Eyes so calm, yet so quenched with emotion, that a glance can say more than any scholar on any subject. With a middle name that is the epitome of her very self, she's carried by the likes of ultimate grace, and tranquility. Just sitting next to her, I felt an old presence. An old feeling of serenity and comfort that I nearly forgot, but has yet again been planted on my wrists and neck. A feeling so purely intoxicating, there is no end to its effects. The only the desire for more. The hope that that aura may continue to surround oneself, as if being wrapped in a warm blanket as a child. Not out of necessity, conversation commenced. Not rushed, forced or pushed. Just one curious mind enjoying the presence of another. We began talking of some important subjects, some uneventful, and of our childhood. At a younger time I would've reclused from a girl as complex and as seemingly unreachable as her, but something is different. I can't help but want to be surrounded by her. We don't have to speak, look or touch. Just being close and knowing that I can exist around this type of exhilarating brilliance and beauty is enough to make me believe in a god. No math equation, no algorithm, no act of immense and impossible luck can create such an immaculate human being, teeming with so much love and appreciation to give, never asking for any in return, but deserving more than most could give in the same respects. She examines the smallest parts and scenes of nature with the upmost interest and tender care, as if every inch of dirt and sand has a collection of living beings made of stars and galaxies, as her very own eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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