Chapter Nine: Welcome Home, Deku

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Here it is. The final chapter. Don't worry, there is the Epilogue but this is the final chapter overall. Hold on a minute, let me do my goodbye message in the Epilogue!! But here, enjoy this chapter.

Shoto had gotten rid of Mr. Midoriya. He've done this because he was in his way of getting a juicy meal. He decided to take matters into his own hands and eat him instead. Luckily, he knocked Izuku into a coma, so he could get away. But Mr. Midoriya was really close friends with Mr. Shoto. So you can imagine how it happened when Shoto came home to a furious Endeavor.

"SHOTO." He called, his voice filtered with anger and disbelief. Shoto came to his father cautiously, "Yes father?"

"What has happened to Mr. Midoriya? I haven't seen him..." Endeavor said dissatisfied. Shoto's eyes went dotted, he had ATE Mr. Midoriya. His father's only friend, gone, straight into his digestive system instead of living a fabulous life...But Shoto had to cut it.

"I've ate him." Shoto said quietly.
"You've WHAT?!" Endeavor's voice raised up high and loud.
The space between them got quiet, as if you can hear the sound of Endeavor's heart breaking. His anger flourished through him, processing Endeavor, To grab....


"N-N-No..." Shoto pleaded. "Please no—" He was cut off by the feeling of hot water being thrown onto his fur. His skin turned red as his eyes did because of the agony of the pain. Shoto yelped and ran out the cave as fast as he could, into the darkness of the trees that posed. Endeavor came out to peek a view, "Don't ever come back..." He called loudly and went back in his cave.

Bakugo carried the tired Izuku on the top of his back. Even though he was eventually aggravated by the weight that the plumpy bunny had, he couldn't ignore it—but he decided that he had to tell his little Deku something. That he....
"Deku...Oi Deku, wake up...." Bakugo softly said for the first time. He places the resting bunny on a rock and he stood in front of him. Izuku's big green orbs of eyes open slowly, like a egg hatching out a baby chick. There stood Bakugo, his fur glistening in the sunlight of the bright forest, the soft drops of the brook rushing through and birds singing to eachother. "Y-yes, Kacchan?"
"I have to tell you something." Bakugo began. "And I've haven't told you in a long time."

Izuku blushes pink. He feels that he needs to tell Bakugo something too. There's just something that Bakugo has changed about him: His shyness, his puniness, and his....sensual desires. But lately, Izuku haven't confronted Bakugo yet. Maybe this is his chance.

"You look like you need to say something. What do you have to say?" Bakugo suspected.

"Oh! um..." The unsettled bunny stuttered, "You say yours first. I...was just deep in my thoughts." he excused.

Bakugo sighed. "'ve been a amazing animal and i've noticed that i have been liking you..." He says nervously. "But I—" Izuku shushed him. "Don't say no more...." he ordered him.

"I love you, Kacchan." Izuku said honestly, coming up to Bakugo and touched the place where his heart is. "Love, love. I love you....~"
"I d-do t-too...." Bakugo stuttered. Izuku locked him in a passionate kiss and Bakugo kissed back. Izuku started to lick him down his neck...

"Oi. That's gonna have to wait!~" Bakugo teased.

"Oh my dear..." A soft voice called from the woods, a green figure: big green ears, eyes, short stubby nose, chunky legs, and...looked just like Izuku.

"Mama?" Izuku squeaked and ran over to her, locking her mother in a hug. "You're okay! But where's father...."

"Up in the sky..." Mama says as she wiped her tears. "Safe and sound, my wonderful baby, taken by wolf by mouth and no more suffering...." she says as she starts to cry. Izuku cries too, "He's in a better place now..." Bakugo hugs Izuku and Mama Midoriya. "Hey, he is always there." Bakugo told them.

That seemed to make Izuku and Mama feel better, as their tears evaporated into thin air.

"Mama..." Izuku says as he walked ahead, "Can Kacchan come?" he asked innocently and looked to his mother, hopefully fooling her with his big kawaii eyes. Mama midoriya grimaced, "Yes he shall."

Izuku squeaked happily as the three walked along. Bakugo swept Izuku off his feet and kissed him, as Izuku blushed. "I love you." Bakugo says. "Te Amo, Mi Amor~" Izuku squeaked in a satisfying way. "I love you too..."

The three all walked back to the cottage, just for Mama Midoriya's Plus Ultra Soup. The cottage holds a presence of a father, that has been watching his family from the sky, to let him know that he's still there.

                           The End~

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