Chapter 3

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It was...


"U-Uhm.. Russia..?" I asked quite confused on why he was doing this to me. He didn't say anything but he responded by tightening his waist hug. I blushed a bit more, my face starting to get hotter. I gave up on questioning him and just put the popcorn in the bowl. He then started to slowly put his hands near my no-no square.

(Silent screaming)

"R-Russia?! What a-are you doing..?!" I say a bit startled by his actions. I just met the guy, WhAt Is HaPpEnInG?? He stopped half way. I let out a quiet sigh of relief that he didn't continue. BuT, he continued trying to pull down my pants. I wanted to scream. I didn't want him to continue. "A-AMERICA!!! GERMANY!!" I screamed as a blushing mess. Russia let go of me surprised by me screaming.

Germany and America bursted through the door looking somewhat pissed. "RUSSIA I SWEAR TO GOD. WHAT DID YOU DO?!" America yelled stomping over to him and continue to scold him. Germany ran over to me seeing if I was okay, "what did he do? Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" Germ said frantically looking at me seeing that my pants were at my thighs and I was a blushing mess, mixed with me scared as hell.

I pulled up my pants and Germany just hugged me and said everything will be alright. I didn't know what to do so I just froze there being the little scared potato I was. I felt so comforted by Germany. He rubbed my back and held me close to his chest. I had a light blush across my face and I was a little warm from it. Not a minute later, Russia left the kitchen and America came over to me and Germany. "He's gone. He said he was sorry but I don't believe it.." America said still enraged.

"W-Well at least he said he was sorry..." I said tears pricking at my eyes. Germany wiped them away and let go of me. "W-We should watch the m-movie now.." I said stuttering as I grabbed the popcorn from the kitchen counter. America and Germany just nodded. We all walked out of the kitchen to the living room to see Russia sitting on the couch looking a little annoyed.

I didn't want to say anything to him but I did. "Thanks for saying sorry.." I whispered to him as I sat a little far from him. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, it didn't look genuine but I accepted it anyway with a small nod. America started the movie and sat next to me on my left. He put his arm around me half way through the movie which I kinda blushed at. America saw me blush and just looked at me with a small smirk. 'Goddamn it...' he made me blush more when I looked at him.

I became a bit sleepy so I put my head on America's chest. I looked over to see Germany so interested in the movie, it was quite funny so I giggled a bit. Thankfully no one heard me. Near the end of the movie I became so sleepy I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. My eyes were so heavy. I closed my eyes and all I remember is America kissing my forehead and saying, "sleep well, Y/N..."

(595 words, Oh my god my fingers hurt from typing so much- hope you enjoyed it! Imma make another chapter real soon so expect that coming)

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