Chapter 1

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"Can you believe it? We have a high school graduate."

I hummed, snuggling deeper into my husband, his arms strong and present around me as we watched our kids like creeps through a window. I turned and kissed his bicep, "We're old."

Jake used his chin to tilt my head to the side, caressing my temple with his lips, he whispered, "No, Avery, you're old." And then he kissed me.

I rolled my eyes, "We are seven months apart."

He laughed, dropping his arms from around my shoulders so his hands were flat against my belly. "We had the twins in seven months, two humans, baby."

I jabbed him with my elbow, "If you're planning on getting laid tonight, I would shut up."

He scooped me up, squeezing a lot tighter than necessary, "You know I've always had a thing for older woman." He quipped, nipping my ear as he began swinging me around, his fingers wiggling along my sides and making me fall out in laughter.

The torture seemed to last forever as I tried to wiggle my way out of his grip. I almost got free, but then we were interrupted.

"Mommy, daddy, you're being really loud."

Jake dropped me to my feet, his arm resting around my shoulders as we looked at Jada. At ten she was tall and lengthy, she preferred keeping her hair straight and wore a lot of black. I would've been concerned but I went through that phase at ten as well, actually nine, when I first came to America.

"Did JJ send you in here to tell us that, Princess?" Jake asked, rubbing my arm absently.

Jada smiled sheepishly, ever the daddy's girl, and nodded, "Yeah. He also apologized to his friends about you guys being so gross." She admitted, turning her large brown eyes up at us.

"Gross huh?" I asked, chewing my lower lip, making Jada nodded once.

"He thinks we're gross?" Jake asked again, this time Jada's eyebrows scrunched up just like Jake's and in that moment I realized all my kids were basically his twin, except my Ava. She was my twin, but other than that JJ, Aiden, Jaden and Jada all looked like their father. Jada has my eyes though, I reached out and lovingly nicked her chin.

"We'll show you guys gross," I told her with a wink, making her groan.

"No please don't, JJ won't let us hang out with his friends ever again." She pouted as Jake turned her around so we could all head outside.

Jake smoothed her hair, "Don't worry baby, you'll make better friends and then realize what an idiot JJ is." He said simply, kissing her head before patting her back for her to go ahead.

I shook my head as we walked up to the railing of the porch. "You gotta stop calling that boy an idiot." I scolded, grabbing my hubby's hand and lacing our fingers together.

"We all know he's smart; as his father it's my duty to keep him humble. Lord knows I could've used a knock down every now and again." He chuckled, raising our hands to his lips.

I snorted, watching Jada march back over to the fire pit that was blazing where JJ, his girl friend Kendall (the space is there for a reason), his best friends Amy and Craig and then our other little ones, Ava, Aiden and Jaden were chillin. All the other guests having left a while ago, it was nice seeing the kids hang out together but also, these last few stragglers were really interrupting Jake and I's sexy time. We could be bad parents and just fuck while they were here but the last time we did that we got a little too rowdy and now Margaret Sue isn't allowed over anymore.

I looked up at Jake, "What're you talking about? I knocked you down several pegs." I smiled, patting his arm.

He looked me in the eyes, his expression melting with love, it made my chest warm up and my lower regions get wet. "I'm talking about before I met you and you changed my life for the best." He muttered, bringing his hand to my chin so he could angle my mouth just right.

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