Mission: Beta

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You were about to head out on a mission with Reinhardt, Jack, Mercy, Winston and Genji. You were a tall lean girl with s/c skin and e/c eyes. Your hair was long and done up in a ponytail it was a beautiful shade of h/c hair. Your call-sign was Owl.  Your battlefield outfit looks like this v

"Alright so the mission is to retrieve the hostages from Talon Base Beta, it is their second largest airship which contains their deadliest solo worker: Tracer

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"Alright so the mission is to retrieve the hostages from Talon Base Beta, it is their second largest airship which contains their deadliest solo worker: Tracer. I'm sure we all remember her." Jack told us in a stern tone. "It's a shame.." Winston sighed. "Just forget about her and focus on the mission we have lived at stake alright big guy?" Jack said. Jack wasn't the best at being reassuring but he tried. "How long till we arrive?" Mercy asked. "About....Now" Jack replied. "Is everyone ready?" Jack asks. We all nod our heads, I swing my sniper around so it's stationed on my back comfortably. The ship door opens with a loud FWOOOSHHHH and we all run out. I throw a grappling hook up to a lander on the Beta ship allowing everyone to climb up it. We take out some of the grunts and I make my way stealthily with Genji to the powercore and we shut it all off, leaving the ship in hover mode it's pitch black. I see a red light in the distance and hear blinking sounds. I quickly ready my secondary weapon, a deagle. Genji readies his weapon aswell. Me and him have this connection, we feel what each other think. The sound nears and we hear a familiar giggle. I jump up and Genji slashes twords the obvious person, Tracer. "Hiya luvs! whatcha doin' ere'?" She shouts in a thick British Accent. Blinking rapidly around Genji shooting him from different directions. "Saving innocent people you nutcase" I yell at her in a light British accent. I never really knew her, Since I'm a new recruit but so far she's a royal pain in my ass. "Kuso!!!" Genji yells in rage. Attempting to deflect her lethal lasers. He gets shot alot being dealt a great deal of damage. "Run! Genji find the others! If I don't come back come find me, you know how!" I shouted. We all have trackers implanted in our ankles. So if one of us is lost we can be easily located. Genji drops a smoke grenade and runs. I hope back and shoot her right in the leg, causing her to fall. "Gah!" She shrieks in agony. She stampers and then stands shooting at me. I roll over and throw a hatchet at her nailing her in the foot on her hurt leg. She's stuck there and I jump at her kicking her pistol out of one hand then I stand quickly and rip her other one from her hand. She's struggling to get up with the hatchet in her foot so I pin her down and it rips out of her foot. I pin her down by the wrists and my facemask lifts revealing my face. "Who else is on this ship!" I bark at her. She giggles and spits in my face "And why should I tell you?" She yelps back. "Look, if you tell me I'll give you a chance to run." I say. She's kinda cute I feel bad.. god to hell with it I have lives to save. plus she spit on me. "I'm the only one besides Reaper." She says. My face suddenly changes I feel drained. "Reaper...Why Reaper..." I say to myself. I loose grip of her and she blinks up and away. I'm dumbfounded so I run twords where Genji went. Jack's gonna be pissed. I find Genji and the others with the hostages. "Hey uh.. Reapers here so we better watch ourselves." I say to them. Jack grumbles and Genji looks at me "Well we better get a move on the ships waiting." Genji says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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