Learn to Smile More

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I sat in the in the front office, covered in bruises and a black eye, looking down to the ground. The principal was talking to the guy and his group of friends I just fought. I looked over at them and all I could hear in my head was the crowd of people watching the brawl, yelling "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!..."


I crashed into the lockers and startes falling to the ground, groaning in pain.

Crowd: Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

The crowd kept yelling that as three of the bully's friends pinned me to the wall.

Bully: You should've stayed out of this, Aki! Whatever happens between me and him is none...!

He punched my gut, making me cough blood.

Bully: Of your...!

He uppercutted my jaw.

Bully: Business!

He grabbed the back of my head and slammed my face imto his knee, making my head crash into the lockers. As soon as they let go, I fell to the ground. My vision started to get blurry and there was a loud ringing in my ear. I barely made out the bullies ganging up on the victim, verbally abusing him and picking on him. I barely managed to get up, my left hand on my knee to prop my upper body and the other hand was holsing a pen I held onto as a knife. One guy saw this and told the others. The crowd was going crazy.

Student 1: Is he really still gonna fight? Is he that stupid?

Student 2: Ugh... You know how he is... He won't quit until a teacher stops them...

Bully: Geez, Aki. Always so dumb... Always so helpless... So gutless

I chucked a bit in pain.

Me: G... Gutless...? Me...? You're one to talk...

The bully growled and clenched his fist.

Bully: What did you just say, you loser?

Me: Oh wow... Loser, too. So original...

I was coughing in pain.

Bully: What the hell are you saying!?

Me: H... Heheh... I'm fighting you alone... And it seems like without your loyal minions... You can't beat me...

I slowly stood ready.

Me: If you're so tough... Then face me alone...

He yelled in anger

Bully: I'm gonna kill you!

He ran to me and tried to tackle me, but I moved to the side and slashed at his gut, hich surprisingly hurt him. He held his stomache, and that's when I took the chance to sucker punch his face and them kicked him to the ground. Right at that moment, his group grabbed me from behind and tackled me down, forcing me to lay on my stomache. The bully finally recovered.

Bully: Oww... That hurt like a bitch...! Okay... That was a good hit.

He shoved his foot on my head and grinded it on me.

Bully: But that was your ONLY hit...!

Principal: That is enough!

The crowd dispersed quickly and the gang got off of me.

Present Time

After that, the nurse took me to the clinic to try and patch me up. Of course the principal would have that then call a real doctor. It's cheaper and word wouldn't spread as fast. But anyway, right after that, I was sent here. The gang finally left the room and walked away.

Principal: Akita!

I slowly stood up and walked over to the office and sat down at the chair in front of him

Principal: Before we begin... I must ask... Do you feel any better after that fight?

I was silent. All I did was nod. I might be sore as hell, but I could at least stand straight.

Principal: Akita... I'm worried about you. Your grades are slipping, you've been getting into fight, you've been silent to your teachers. It's all a mess. I understand that you're a quiet kid and you don't like to speak a lot, but that cannot go on. I have been giving you way to many warnings. This is my final warning. If this happens again, I will be forced to expel you.

I kept my head down as he lectured me.

Principal: Akita... You're a good kid. You have a kind heart. The purest I have ever seen in my time here as principal. That's why I believe in you. And so does your mother. Akita... If there is ever a time for you to listen to me, it's now.

I slowly looked at him.

Principal: Find a hobby. Find something you like to do. You stood up for that child against them, correct? Then pursue a future in crime fighting. Something to keep you active. And learn to smile more. You look better when you're happy.

I started to smile a bit and so did he.

Principal: See? There it is. Now, do you feel better.

I finally spoke.

Me: Emotionally, yeah. Though the bruises still hurt.

Principal: You get stronger with every fight. They don't. I believe in you. And I see a bright future ahead of you.

I nodded.

Me: Thank you. That means a lot.

I looked around the office for a bit.

Me: You called my Mom?

Principal: Of course I did. You think I'd hide this from her? But anyway, she'll be here soon.

He went back to his computer.

Principal: You're dismissed.

I nodded and got off the chair and walked out of the principal's office

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