I love you

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Jake was alone all his life, he had family but...they didn't care and nor did he. He has brown hair and blue eyes he was pale but not nerd pale an avrege pale, he's wearing a purple shirt and black pants. His two favorite colors he was wearing a hoodie though so no one could see his shirt. It was the first day of high school and he hated every minute of it. He lives in Los Angeles, California with his mom, dad and two older sisters Katie and Maria and a twin brother Andrew. Katie is 17 and just graduated, Maria is 16 and a Senior in the same high school then can his twin Andrew he is the complete opposite of Jake outgoing, optimistic, and happy. Jakes family didn't know about his past and nor do they care...at least he thought. He's in English class and he's in the back corner face burried in his arms trying to drown out the world the bell was about to ring for lunch "alright time for lunch class have fun I guess" Mrs Murphy said. Jake walked fast avoiding people as usual he got to his corner table and sat there. He doesn't eat because he feels fat and he gets told he is daily. He was sitting there for about 3 minutes until someone sat next to him...someone he never saw before

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