Prologue : It All Happened Like This...

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What does life hold if it has a meaning,

The purpose of life to solely exist


To make life an unforgettable existence


Elizabeth's point of view:

I had finally found my target among the mob of students coming and going in the hall. The boy who tried to choke me in the car. He was walking right in front of me, so I gathered my courage and went upto him. To ask why he did it, only this time I called him.

"Hey, I want to talk to you", I said with confidence. He didn't pay attention.

"I Said, I Want To Talk To You", saying a little louder this time, again he ignored me or didnt pay attention. That only fueled my anger more. I wasn't a very patient person especially when I was trying to be civil with the person involved hurting me.

So I ran upto him dodging the students here and there. I stood right in front of him with both arms stretched making an invisible wall to stop him.

It worked because he stopped, lifted his cap with his right hand and looked straight at me in the eyes. He had the most beautiful cerulean blue eye's. So electrifying like a magnetic force field pulling me in the depths of trouble.

His stare made me lose track of my thoughts I bet he must have used it on a lot of people, until his husky voice came "What".

"Why did you do it, I mean attack me in the car", I said in a clear voice. My hands now by my side.

He looked at me like I was some crazy girl trying to hit on him. He sighed and said "I don't know what your talking about".

"Did you forget what happened or are you simply pretending to be ignorant", I said my voice rising a little bit.

"Look I don't have time for your foolish questions and I don't know what your talking about because I don't remember doing anything to you in the car", he said getting a little irritated.

I raised my right hand and pointed my finger at him, "you don't remember choking me....Omph", all of sudden he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the empty passage.



The main building has two halls with a dividing passage. More like the alphabet (H). THE halls themselves have transparent glass throughout the building. So you can actually see anyone coming and going. It was built so no one could sneak out.

There was only one exits and one entrance. The entrance was large and made of sliding doors with censors. One side of the hall lead upto the stairs the other side had three offices. Information room, consultant room and in the last lost and found room.

On the opposite side there was one exit, one large size lab and again stairs which went up. So both sides had stairs but on opposite places.

The passage that bisected the halls had four stone statues. The statues were of boys holding either a trophy or a medal. They were placed two on each side.


"Sis did you see that, it looks like miss black has found herself a boyfriend", said one of the blond twins.

"You don't say, what do u plan to do", said the other sister.

"I am going to tape them together and post it on CAMPUS DAY site page", she said with a small laugh.

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