Chapter 7: Inevitability

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The final day of testing was here and it came as fast as it ended.

All of the class members were either tired or confidently enjoying the finalization of a long test. You and Tokaku were walking around the halls since their wasn't much to do. You were hesitant on asking Tokaku for a favor.

"... Umm... Nevermind."

"You won't get anything in life like that. Now spit it out." She said sternly but in the inside was thinking happily since she thought you were finally going to answer her burning question.
'How do you really feel?' She thought.

"Oh well... I'm hoping you could help me get into the library at night!" You pleaded as both you and Tokaku stopped in place.

Tokaku outwardly sighed, she felt saddened slightly by this but can already make a inference as to why you wanted sneak in. "For the rumored book right?" She said dejectedly.

You nodded with a spark of hope in your eyes. This made Tokaku weak since you look so darn cute. "Fine we'll go to the library at night-" as she was finishing her sentence she thought she saw someon spying on the conversation. "What?" You asked concerned since you couldn't really sense anyone.

"...Nothing, don't worry about it."

Since it was currently evening and you'd have to wait for some time have passed. You and Tokaku were waiting in the dorms. Tokaku sat on floor near her, she was doing some muscle stretches as to not cramp when dealing with an assassin later on today.

While she does them she couldn't help but think about the sentence she told to (Y/n). 'You won't get any where in life without saying the things that need to be said.' She thought to herself once more with a different phrasing. She sighs and gets up, she walks towards you since you were in the living room part of the dorm watching t.v.

"Oi (Y/n)"

"Hmm? What is it Tokaku?" You asked with a continuous smile on your face.

But you gasped when she hugged you tightly. In turn you returned it since you like hugs. "(Y/n) you never answer to my confession." She spoke as she hid her face in your shoulder.

You blushed madly and stuttered for a answer. "Well..." you paused and thought about your next few words.
This made Tokaku feel something she's never felt before.


She bit her lower lip and prepared for the rejection that was to come from you. You sighed and clutched Tokaku tightly as to hide your own face. "I guess... No...-" Tokaku's eyes are close to the brink of tears. "No I don't guess, Tokaku... I like you." You finished as your face is still covered in a large blush but glad you finally told Tokaku. Who in turn was utterly shocked and happy. You both stay in that embrace for a while.

Scared that if one of you were to let go then the other might disappear. After what felt like an eternity you had let go from the embrace, much to
Tokaku's dismay. But she had a small blush on her face with a rare and small smile.

Before Tokaku could do anything you got up immediately and announced that it was night and that you both should commence with the plans for tonight. Tokaku reverted back to her expressionless face and nodded. You were feeling somewhat awkward now, this was the first time you've ever been in a relationship with someone.

It took several minutes, but eventually y'all made it to the library doors. You walked up to the doors and pulled them to see if they were locked sadly they were. This made you sigh and pout.

Tokaku walked near you and told you to move so she could have a go at it. She pulled out a tool for picking locks. After a few short seconds it unlocks and you look amazed at Tokaku's skills.
"Woah! You did great! Now we can get in and look for the fake book first." You said as you casually walked in and started inspecting certain shelves.

The Sheep and her Wolfhound. (FemReaderxTokakuAzumaYandere)Where stories live. Discover now