To Everyone Who Once considered Me A Friend...

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A few months ago, I made the mistake of breaking everyone's promises, and it all led to the chaos that is currently active. I regret everything I've done and to those affected by it, I apologize deeply. I know this entire situation is what truly caused the conflict. I cheated on him long ago, which made everyone lose trust in me, which made him lose trust in everyone else, causing him to snap. Now, I have to dwell on my past for all and through past this very moment. It was clearly the worst mistake I have ever done. I always say memories are important, because they make us who we are, and with those memories come choices. I clearly made a horrible choice, and that makes me who I am today. Think, if we all chose a different path, we wouldn't be where we are now. Which is why I am going to try to fix what I broke, mend what I cut, repair what's been destroyed. I never wished for everyone to be in conflict, which is why I'll gladly give up my life to save everyone else's before it is too late. Now, nobody trusts me, and I know why, but believe when I say, I will happily have my own soul sucked away to help everyone else, because they matter, and I want to make everything better like it once was.

Please, if you mean to end my life, please, know that even if you do not wish the same, I would still give up my life essence to save yours.

Vox, Mids, Toby, Charles, Everyone...

I am sorry

I will try to help you one last time...

         ~Nani Kaiawe Sunshine

To Everyone Who Once Considered Me A Friend...Where stories live. Discover now