chapter 1:a battle between kitsune.

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A baby's crying could be heard echoing throughout a cave as naruto uzumaki namikaze has just been born and his mother Kushina uzumaki Who is the current container of The kyuubi kitsune has just had her seal weakened after giving birth. a lunatic called Madara uchiha takes naruto captive Wich forces Minato to leave kushina's seal unrepaired and she's kidnapped by Madara..she then asked." Why are you doing this???. What do you have to gain from capturing the nine tailed fox!!!." And Madara said." Why.... konoha's destruction of course.. I will capture All of The tailed beasts and rid The world of hatred!!!." And Kushina said as she grew weaker with the seal about to break." Your insane!!!." Just then minato and a yellow bipedal kitsune appeared in a yellow flash and Minato said." You can control The kyuubi but your not the only one with a kitsune up their sleeves. Ready renamon!!??" And renamon said." Let's do this minato Sama." Hearing that name renamon and seeing The device around minato's wrist Madara uchiha said." NO!!!. It can't be!!!. Not you!!!. You can't be her!!!." Minato pulled out a card and said." Execute!!!. Digimon evolution!!!. Renamon digivolve to kyuubimon!!!." Minato Then pulled out another card and said." Execute!!!. Ultimate digital evolution!!!. Kyuubimon digivolve to Taomon!!!." Madara uchiha Then said." You bastard!!!. My plans are now ruined!!!." And Minato said Taomon use talisman star!!!." Taomon nodded her head and said." Talisman star!!!." The star Hit Kurama's head and he was brought out of the Genjutsu that Madara uchiha used to control him. Before he could process what was happening he said." Mi'lady Taomon!!!. What's going on!!??. My vessel!!!. Kushina!!!.is she???." And Taomon said." She's not Dead... but The humans won't trust kitsune. And your new Host will be treated poorly for something that was not your fault my love. You have been under the control of a human named Madara uchiha."

Meanwhile. minato namikaze was preparing The eight trigrams divine seal ritual that would hold back The kyuubi. however the only problem was. What would happen if Kushina used her chakra chains and held down the nine tails???. Naruto would be orphaned and never know his parents. Minato Then said." I'm sorry Kushina. But it's The only way. To save the village I'm going to use The reapers death seal and seal half of the kyuubi inside of naruto and The other half inside of me with the shinigami." And Kushina said." NO MINATO PLEASE DON'T!!! LET SARUTOBI DO IT!!!. OR JIRAIA!!!. NARUTO AND I NEED YOU!!!." Hiruzen then walked up to minato and said." Kushina is right minato. Taomon can only district kyuubi for so long.. If anyone is to perform The sealing... it's me." And Minato said." But Sarutobi!!!. I'm The hokage!!!. I must protect the village and..." Hiruzen said." Minato. Your The hokage yes.. but your also a father now and have your whole life ahead of you. I however am not getting any younger and have lived Long enough... this is not up for discussion minato!!!." Jiraia just put his hand on minato's shoulder and said." Naruto needs both of his parents minato...go ahead and prepare the sealing ritual Sensei.. The village will know what you died for.." Taomon Then showed up with kyuubi and said." Kurama wanted to heal his former host before being sealed inside your little kit minato Sama. Plus. there's another way to stop All of this arguing." And Minato asked." How is that Taomon???." And Taomon said." I could turn Kurama's chakra into digital code and make him your child's chosen digidestined. A simple process really." And Kurama said to minato." It's better then sacrificing any of your souls to The shinigami. Allow me to restore your chakra reserves Kushina. and in exchange I shall become naruto's digidestined kitsune. Though I shall be like All digital monsters...I shall be a baby at first... harmless innocent..and my name would be kitsumon. However. Naruto's digivice Will be different compared to renamon and yours. I will be a red and white kitsune. Do you agree to the terms... minato namikaze???." And Minato said." I trust you kurama. And I forgive you. we All do... right... jiraia Sensei... Hiruzen Sarutobi???." A single glare from his icy blue eyes was all it took for them to know that there was no room for arguing and jiraia and Sarutobi said." Yeah.. right.. sure..we forgive you..." And kurama said." Kushina... this might hurt a little... but not much." Kurama then channeled healing chakra into his claw and tapped kushina's stomach and said." It's done.. mi'lady Taomon.. I'm ready." Taomon then put her hand on Kurama's chest and said." Digidestined!!!. By my power I create the..a new digimon... you kurama shall forever be known as kuramon and shall remain in your digivice until naruto Sama turns seven and unlocks you in your baby form kitsumon. Do you agree???." And kurama said." I  agree." And Taomon said." Digimon fractal code!!!. Kurama!!!. Digitize!!!." Three digital rings Then surrounded Kurama's body and after The process was over a red and white digivice remained in his place as Taomon said." Worry not my love. I will wait for The day when you have been called upon." And so without anyone sacrificing themselves to be The shinigami's next meal All of konoha was saved and Taomon said." That...was... exhausting." Taomon Then transformed back into renamon and said." Minato Sama.. lady Kushina... I will protect your son no matter what I do. No one else shall harm him." And Minato said." Good. Because I'm afraid shinigami is coming for me. I had no choice Kushina... it was The only way to stop that Man from further destroying The village. I'm ready... shinigami Sama." And shinigami said." Minato namikaze.. your a noble and honest man... innocent and willing to sacrifice you and your wife for the village Who would only torment and harm your own son and disobey your last dying wish. You wish to have your son seen as a hero. yet the Men standing next to you will have disobeyed and abandoned your last wish and your son." And Sarutobi said." Minato please understand that I would have told naruto about you eventually and jiraia would have come back for him but kyuubi has weakened The village greatly tonight and had kyuubi been sealed inside naruto I wouldn't be able to stop The council from disobeying my own order of not mentioning it to naruto OR Their own children!!!. Do you think if jiraia and I told the entire village that their fourth hokage had a child who is the host of the kyuubi was to be seen as a hero for containing it!!??. NO!!!. Danzo would use the information to corrupt The citizen council and turn the entire village and council against him!!!. Trying to turn your son into a mindless thoughtless weapon!!!." And Minato said." Then there's only one thing I know that you have to do.. but for some reason you haven't... KILL HIM FOR MILITARY TREASON!!!. You know as well as I do he's still running Root behind your back after you gave him a direct order to shut it down!!!. Do something about it Hiruzen...or I'll have my brother raido namikaze... The fire daimio.. get involved. It's your choice. Now If you will excuse me. Kushina and I need to put naruto to bed. All this arguing has woken him up. You will tell The council and village The entire Truth Hiruzen!!!. Or so help me Kami. I'll haunt you for The rest of your life!!!. Shinigami. Does our deal still stand as agreed upon. My soul as payment for stopping the man Who controlled kyuubi???." The shinigami gave it some thought and said." Hmm. Are you reconsidering??? That was our agreement yes... but I sense that you wish to spend a few years with your wife and son. Very well then.. I will allow you to have an extra 12 years with your son. After the 12th year when he turns 13 your soul comes with me to the after we have a deal???." And Minato said." Shinigami Sama... I 13 years I shall be yours and go willingly. And renamon. Find tsunade and bring her back to the any means necessary. excessive force May be used. She's got inhuman strength but your stronger." And renamon said." Right away minato Sama." And so with renamon sent out to find tsunade and bring her back to the village all went as planned minato and Kushina had declared to The village that in thirteen years The shinigami would come for him and that his son naruto uzumaki namikaze was to be respected and loved by all and that The kyuubi is not sealed inside naruto but rather another world. And that naruto would be made The heir to the uzumaki namikaze and senju clan and that tsunade senju was his grandmother and Kushina to be just as equally respected. The village had cheers of Joy knowing that the yondime Hokage's legacy would be carried on with his son and wife.and would uphold his wishes after his death and as this was happening minato and Kushina could see The greedy and angry lust for power in his eyes. As danzo's plans to make The boy a weapon have failed and was now on thin ice if minato knows about his still active Root ANBU organization then he'd be executed by the daimio for military treason. Hiruzen then approached danzo Koharu and homura and said." You three come with me to the office. That's a direct order danzo Shimura like The one I had given you to disband your Root ANBU organization yet you disobeyed a direct order from The hokage... your superior officer and commander and chief. As such The three of you are charged with political financial and military treason to overthrow the hokage. You shall be executed at dawn by The daimio samurai in public view of the entire village. how do you plead???" And Koharu and homura said." We plead not guilty Hiruzen.. it was All danzo's idea. He plans on killing off The uchiha clan and has been associated with orochimaru in having The mokuton of Hashirama Sensei placed into him. He wants The kyuubi. and would do anything.. even turn the entire village and council against Lord Fourth Hokage's son to do it." And Hiruzen said." Well danzo. It seems that both of mine and minato's suspicions about you have been true this whole time. Koharu and homura... you shall have your position on the council as my advisors and minato's stripped from you... but.. since you have more knowledge of The inner workings of the village of konoha Then you shall interview All of The academy staff to weed out any possible traitorous shinobi hidden in our ranks. AM I CLEAR!!!." And Koharu and homura said." Yes Lord third...we understand fully and shall help naruto Sama in any way possible. we shall protect him from any biased teachers in the academy and inform The daimio of any villagers Who run a business that refused to serve The fourth Hokage's son." And Hiruzen said." Very good. Danzo Shimura. you shall have a public execution effective immediately at The hour of dawn and The daimio samurai shall Carry it out. ANBU!!!. Take him to ibiki morino and then Lock him up into the deepest darkest hole we have... maximum security prison."

Meanwhile. At the konoha front gate.
Tsunade senju. Godmother and biological grandmother of naruto uzumaki namikaze senju was about to leave The village and never return when suddenly The yellow and blue bipedal Fox known as renamon dropped down in front of her and said." Tsunade senju. I have been given direct orders from my master minato namikaze senju to retrieve you at all costs and prevent you from leaving your grandson naruto uzumaki namikaze senju Sama.. will you comply or be taken by force???." And tsunade said as she charges up chakra in her fists." You furry kitsune whore!!!. How dare you threaten me!!!. Die!!!!." Tsunade threw a left hook at renamon only to have it stopped with renamon's furry palm and gripping it tightly said." That was very unwise to do. Unless you want to wind up hospitalized.. you will stay... you will live with minato Sama and lady Kushina and Their son.. thirteen years from now The death god shall come for minato Sama's soul and I will need a new master. Your The only one who could match my strength in exchange.. minato Sama's chosen for you to be my next digidestined owner. When one digidestined dies and another is chosen The next chosen has no choice in the matter but to comply. Your The New chosen digidestined." Tsunade just sighed in defeat knowing that there was nothing to do but go back and stay for her grandson and daughter figure naruto and Kushina. Plus. minato would send Hunter shinobi after her if she doesn't. tsunade said." FINE. If I don't have a choice at all then I guess I'll stay. Lead The way." And so with tsunade agreeing to stay and help keep naruto safe and train him everything worked out for the better.

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