Episode 18 - Tang Yi's POV

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(I'm skipping parts and cutting to Tang Yi's role and screen time, since this is only Tang Yi's POV)

Tang Yi woke up on schedule at 6:30 am and rolled over in his bed. Shao Fei's legs were wrapped around him loosely and they felt warm and soft. He gazed up into Shao Fei's peaceful sleeping face, his mouth was open, his bangs messily ruffled, breathing softly through, his chest and stomach rising and falling. His legs were tangled with the blanket and his low, black boxers were peeking out. The sun was casting a soft glow over him and Shao Fei looked like a fallen angel.

Tang Yi carefully brushed Shao Fei's bangs out his eyes, ruffling his hair more and making it more messy. Internally he groaned thinking about the night before and how rough he was with his little angel. He didn't feel angry at Shao Fei anymore, instead he had a strong desire to find the real culprit and to kill him. His confusion about his parents hadn't gone away and instead a dull ache of sorrow had replaced his tears from the night before.

Tang Yi pecked Shao Fei's cheek, deciding to fake he didn't care about the whole matter. He wanted to be strong, cold and dependable, never wanting to see Shao Fei worry about him again.

He rushed to shower and dress, cleaning Shao Fei's clothes and preparing them by his bedside. Then he took to the kitchen and cooked breakfast, preparing it attractively on plates. He was taking out the orange juice when Shao Fei walked into the room.

Shao Fei hugged his arms around Tang Yi's back.

"Good morning," Tang Yi smiled at Shao Fei's clean pressed clothes but still messy hair. "Orange juice or milk?" purposely ignoring Shao Fei's questions about how he was feeling and if he wanted to talk.

Finally Shao Fei gave up. "Milk," he replied. Tang Yi poured Shao Fei a glass of milk and put the plates of food onto the table, again ignoring Shao Fei's worried questions and looks.

"Eat baby, aren't you hungry?" Tang Yi anxiously waited for Shao Fei to start eating. Defeated Shao Fei began to nibble at the food, soon gobbling it down since Tang Yi knew how to cook his favourite foods. Tang Yi smiled and watched Shao Fei.

Ring! Ring!

Shao Fei's phone noisily interupted: 

"Hello? What???
Boss confessed to doing drugs??"

(Back at Tang Yi's, the suspect has been handed over to him)

Tang Yi's rage engulfed him as he punched and kicked the man in front of him who's  eyes were bruised and cut from his metal rings, purple and swelling up. His mouth was bloodied from the loss of teeth and from biting his own tongue, so the man kept coughing up blood.  His shirt had been torn open and his trousers ripped, showing red marks and bruises. He cried out, yelling for Tang Yi to stop, pleading, but every time Tang Yi heard the voice of the man who killed Tang GuoDong, it made his blood boil further and made him angrier and more voilent. He loathed that this man was still alive, the miserable wretch, while his beloved Tang GuoDong was dead.

Roaring, eyes hazy with tears he leaped again at the man, gashing his face further. Four years of searching for this man and all the madness inside him was let loose. He was going to kill him, but first he needed to torture him more.

"Tang Yi!"

Suddenly in ran Shao Fei, rushing towards him. His two bodyguards held him back forcefully and he grappled with them, yelling, trying to appeal to Tang Yi's logic.

"Don't you want to know the truth about  what happened four years ago? Don't you want an answer? Give him to me, I'll get you an answer!"

"You've chased this case for four year's, do you think with a little evidence he will admit to anything?" Tang Yi barked back at Shao Fei. "Bring him back and we won't know the truth!"

The wretched man who lay on the floor pleaded up at Shao Fei, his former colleague. "Please, Shao Fei bring me back."

"Why did you kill Sister Li Chen?" Shao Fei's face contorted furiously as he shouted.

Tang Yi listened to their exchange, his mind fuzzy and unable to focus. All he needed to know was if this man had shot his Tang GouDong. His fists clenched tightly and his rage overblew.

Grabbing the gun on the table he shoved it hard into his head.

"SAY!" He roared like a wild beast.

"SAY!" He growled as he loaded the gun and shoved it back to the mans head. "SAY!!"

"I will say," blood poured out the mans trembling body, "We collected profits from the drugs collected by selling it to HeHang.  But Tang GouDong wanted to clean up his business and someone tipped him the information. HeHang said he will give me to the police. I needed to kill him. I didn't know Li Chen was going to be there..."

Tang Yi turned away his shoulders heaving sobs. Pain and anguish filled his whole body.  He heard Shao Fei yelling and the man pleading for his life. Tang Yi flung his hand around and punched the man in one fatal blow. He knocked to the floor heavily, his forehead banging against the tiles and blood dripped to the floor.

"Plead for your life! I will KILL YOU!"

Shao Fei struggled free from his bodyguards and flung himself towards Tang Yi, wrestling with him.

"Tang Yi, Tang Yi" he pleaded eyes and voice full of panic and dread, "let me take him back to the station, I can't let you kill him without doing anything myself!"

Shao Fei pressed his body towards Tang Yi trying in vain to suppress him and to reason with him. But Tang Yi was too full with hatred to hear. His whole shirt was soaked in tears, his mind aching, he couldn't see the terror in his baby's face, the fear that Shao Fei would have to imprison his own lover.

"If you really want revenge like that, I'll have to arrest you!" Shao Fei sobbed.

"Then arrest me after!" Tang Yi flung Shao Fei's hands off from around his neck where he was desperately holding and pushed him far back. He held his gun out in front of him his eyes focusing strongly through the haze and


A Shot rang out as Tang Yi pulled the trigger.

Tang Yi's eyes opened in terror as Shao Fei flung himself in front of the man. His whole body froze in dread and pure horror as the bullet pierced through Shao Fei's body, and he clutched his chest as he lost his balance.

Shao Fei looked at Tang Yi. Tang Yi began to weep looking into his babies pain stricken eyes, they seemed to be blaming him, saying 'Tang Yi, Tang Yi, look at what you did: you shot your baby.'

His heart felt like it was being ripped out his skin as he bolted towards the man he loved, catching him as he fell. Tears dropped onto Shao Fei as he held him on the floor, half in shock, hand on his chest.

"It... hurts more this.. time," Shao Fei mumbled out, struggling to speak, as he scrunched his beautiful face in pain.

Unbearable sadness and grief filled Tang Yi and he felt his love, Shao Fei, go limp in his arms.


Meow. Poor baby Shao Fei. I hope the Episode 19-20 trailer was deceiving and he's actually ok in the end.

Please like thanks :) 

<3 Jellyfish

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