Chapter 10

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Mo's Pov
I walk upstairs in my room and close the door behind me. I get in the bed and get on my phone and text K.
Me: can we talk?
Sis😜💖: What you want?
Me: I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner
Sis😜💖: alright Mo I got to go
Me: I'm sorry k
Someone knocks on my door and I get up and walk to the door and open it. My mom looks at me and says. "How's things with you and k?" I say. "Not so good." My mom looks at me. "she'll come around just give her time." I say. "she's really mad at me." She looks at me for a second without saying anything. "she feels betrayed." I shake my head and say. "I feel horrible about it." I get my phone and try calling K again,but this time she doesn't answer. I get up and grab my keys and walk out my room, going downstairs and outside to my car. I put on my seatbelt and drive to Kyle's house. I turn on the radio and keep driving and pull up in his driveway. I get out and walk up to the door and knock. His mom comes to the door and says. "he doesn't live here anymore." I say. "Do you know where he live?" She shakes her head. I walk back to my car and get inside and drive home. I pull up in my driveway and get out and walk inside. My mom says. "Where you been?" I look at her. "Trying find k." I walk upstairs in my room and see Dustin sitting on my bed. "What you doing here?" He gets up and looks at me. "You talked to Kay Kay?" I say. "Not really." I sit on my bed and think. "She with Kyle." He paces the room back and forth. "Where he live?" I shrug. "He moved out." He looks at me. "You need to find out." He walks out the room and I get on my phone and text Dean.
Me: I need to ask you something
Dean😑: wassup
Me: do you know where Kyle live?
Dean😑: nah but why
Me: you do and I'm looking for K
Dean😑: i can't tell you where she at
Me: wym you can't tell me? 🤔😒
Dean😑: he don't want people to know where he live
Me: I'm his friend
Dean😑: you got to take that up with him
I roll my eyes and try calling k again but she doesn't answer. My mom walks in my room and says. "Your dad wants to talk to you." I look at her. "Why He trying to come in our lives all of sudden?" She shrugs and walks out the room. Michael walks in my room and says. "How's things going with you and K?" I look at him. "Her name is Kanaya." I roll my eyes and he says. "Look I know you don't like me,but I'm trying to be here for you and Kanaya." I say. "It's a little too late for all that don't you think." Michael says. "I'm not going to let you keep disrespecting me I'm your dad." I get up and walk out my room.
Dustin's Pov
I drive over to Mo's house and pull up in her driveway a few minutes later and get out,walking up to the front door and knocking. Her mom opens the door and lets me in. "Come in Dustin,but Mo's not here." I walk inside the house and say. "Where is she?" She shrugs. "You can go upstairs and wait in her room." Some dude walks in the living room and says. "Who is this?" I say. "I'm Kanaya's brother." I walk upstairs and go in 'Mo's room and wait on her. Mo walks in the room and says to me. "What you doing here?" I get up and look at her. "You talked to Kay Kay?" She says. "Not really." She sits on the bed. "She with Kyle." I think for a second and pace the room back and forth. "Where he live?" She shrugs. "He moved out." I say. "You need to find out." I walk out the room and walk downstairs. I walk outside and get in my car and drive home. I pull up in my driveway 30 minutes later and get out and walk inside. My dad says. "You found Kay Kay?" I shake my head. "Not yet." My mom says. "Just give her some space." I walk upstairs in my room and close the door. I lay across the bed and my door opens and I sit up and see my mom walking in the room. "It's not your fault k just don't like being lied to." I say. "She deserved to know the truth but I should've never told her." She says before walking out the room. "I'll try calling her." I shake my head and get my phone and decide to text Kay Kay.
Me: I know you not going to respond but you need to come home Kay Kay
I put my phone on the charger and get up and walk out the room. My dad stops me in the hallway and says. "Why you tell Kay Kay?" I look at him. "She deserved to know and I got tired of lying to her." I walk downstairs and I see Mo and her mom. I say. "What y'all doing here?" The dude from earlier walks in and says. "We came here to talk to Kanaya." My mom says. "She's not here Michael and I don't know where she is." I say. "Why you want her in your life now?" He turns to me. "She's my daughter and I want to get to know her." My mom says. "She's not going to want to meet you." They sit and talk for awhile and I walk outside and sit on the porch. Mo comes outside and says. "I don't want him in my life I've been fine all these years without him." I shake my head. "You know damn well Kay Kay ain't gone want to see that nigga." She sits next to me. "I tried to tell him." I say. "She probably curse him out and tell him off." I look at her. "You got in touch with Kay Kay yet?" She shakes her head. "She won't answer my phone calls." I sit and think for a second.

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