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It was a normal day for the Teen Titans; wake up, have breakfast and do anything until the alarms rang and head to the destinations of trouble - they kicked butt, saved the day and went home, resuming of the activities they did before.

They had numerous alarms this day, even if it is their work the team wouldn't mind time off, even for a day. They just came back from a robbery that happened at 10pm, it didn't take long to defeat them and let the police take them to prison - but Cyborg was hungry and so they stopped for some donuts and other sweet things from a bakery that graciously let them in late before heading back home - arriving at almost 11pm.

After indulging in sweets they decided to call it a night, Cyborg put the alarms on and they all retreated to their rooms one by one.

Raven was happy to be back in her room, she didn't like leaving it much and found great comfort in the space - not that she minded her teammates, just sometimes they can be a little much for her. She much more preferred the quietness of her room then the roundness of the living room, she was thankful that Robin would sometimes try to get everything to calm down.


Signing she took of her cloak and fell back on her bed, the soft duvet calling her in to rest and sleep which she happily applied - normally she would read before sleeping but tonight she was worn out.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, curling under the covers and snuggling her head against the pillow - she didn't ever want to wake up.

Unfortunately luck wasn't on her side.

A sharp pain filled her chest which quickly made her sit up, she clutched the area where the pain was coming from and took deep breaths - however it wasn't dong much use. The pain got sharper, her head got fuzzy and she could feel her powers surging up, she grit her teeth and tried to force her powers back down, doubling the pain.

Then in a quick moment her power flew out, she screamed as her powers flew around the room, the pain and amount of power becoming too strong. Her room was covered in red and black magic, she watched the colours slowly fade into the normal blue of her room.

Raven panted heavily, trying to regain her breath back, she didn't know how long time had passed before they was a loud banging at her door.

"RAVEN!" it was Robin - she wanted to tell him not to come in but her voice wouldn't come out, seconds later her door opened- normally she would be angry at someone for coming into her room but right now she couldn't find herself to care.

"Raven!" he rushed to her side immediately, hands on her back attempting to soothe her - he didn't say anything until her panting for softer "Are you ok? What happened?"

She slowly looked up at him and was shocked at what she saw.

His uniform was full of cuts, skin of bruises and marks on his head, she was going to address them before the others came rushing in - all in the same state as their leader.

"Friend Raven are you harmed?" Starfire flew to her side, the boys standing before her.

"Dude what happened?" Beast Boy asked as he looked around her room "Raven your room!"

"I..know" she tiredly told him, her strength not back yet.

"Easy girl, take your time" Cyborg told her, she followed his advice and waited until she had strength to talk.

"I...I don't know what happened" she started "I was asleep but woke up because I had a pain in my chest, nothing I did made it go away. It messed with my powers, they felt stronger for some reason, I tried to hold it but the pain only got stronger. Then it all got loose, I don't know what happened, all I remember is the pain"

"Oh Friend Raven" Starfire looked at her worriedly, the others with equal looks to hers.

"But why?" Beast Boy asked, looking confused "Why did your powers suddenly go..." he waved his hands about but everyone knew what he meant.

"I'm not sure...wait" her eyes suddenly widened "What day is it?"

"July 2nd" Cyborg replied, which only made shocked the girl more.

"That must be it..."

"What do you mean Rae?"

"It's been one year one year today of my fathers defeat"

"And that is the reason of why this has happened to you?" Starfire summarised, Raven nodded.

"It makes sense" Robin agreed "Even if your father is dead, something like this is was bound to happen?"

"I'm not sure, but it's the only thing I can think of" Raven said before looking at them again "But, what happened to all of you?" she questioned "I understand the state of my room but..."

"We kinda had the same thing as you" Robin replied "We all woke up feeling this pain and your powers"

"So that's why..." everything clicked inside of her "My powers did this...I did this..."

"You did not Friend Raven!" Starfire strongly disagreed with her friends words "You are not to blame for this"

"Yeah girl, don't blame things that aren't your fault" Cyborg smiled at her, Raven appreciated it but she didn't feel any better. She signed and close her heads, rubbing her forehead.

"You ok?" Robin asked in concern, Raven nodded her head.

"Just tired"

"I don't blame you, we should all go back to sleep"

"Suits me" Beast Boy stretched his arms before walking to the door "Night Raven!"

"Night Rae, if I see you tomorrow morning still blaming yourself you get no waffles" he playfully scolded and rubbed her head before going back to his room.

"Friend Cyborg is right, your are not to blame, we are here for you" Starfire smiled at and kissed her cheek before flying out the door - not forgetting to wave as she left.

"You sure your ok?" Robin asked again, Raven rolled her eyes playfully at him and nodded.

"Yes Boy Wonder I'm fine, just need some sleep"

"Ok, my room is just down the hall if you need me ok?" she nodded at him once again and he smiled "Good, goodnight Raven"

"Night Robin"

After the door shut Raven signed and fell back against her bed, she didn't understand what had happened, her only clue being the year anniversary of her fathers defeat. She had enough trouble controlling her previous powers, how was she going to handle these ones?

There's only one person I can go to she decided as she sat up, retrieved a bag from her wardrobe and pack it with necessary things; clothes, books, potion ingredients and other supplies she would need.

When she had everything she took a deep breath I'm just teleporting, there's no need for much magic, just teleporting

Concentrating she conquered up the requires magic and influenced herself with her dark raven, seconds later she appeared in a different room. Looking around there was a grey sofa with two armchairs at the side on an angle, a white table in the middle and to her left and open kitchen which she would hardly see due to the lack of light.

"Raven?" she quickly turned to the source of the voice to see a brunette women, dressed in a white tank top and grey shorts looking at her with a shock but tired face.

"Adena" she acknowledged "I need your help"

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