Chapter 1~ Expectations

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Perfect. That is how people used to describe Elizabeth(Betty) Cooper. Her pale pink sweater fit snugly to her figure. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail everyday. And had a smile plastered on her face every morning. She was a straight A student who never broke rules. She had 2 bestfriends and the most amazing boyfriend anybody could ask for. She was the the embodiment of the Perfect girl next door. However she wouldn't describe her life as so sweet.

"Elizabeth!" her mother shouted from the living room. Betty could already tell her mother was drunk by her slurred speech. As soon as her father got arrested for being the notorious serial killer, the Black Hood, her mother would drink. Lots. School life was already hard enough with the torment at school, couldn't she have a break.


Betty was sat at the cafeteria table waiting for Jughead, Veronica, Archie and Kevin, when Chuck and the rest football team (minus Archie) strolled up to her.

"Looks like Betty here has no friends." Chuck spat.

She just sat there with her head hung down looking at the table. Her fingers curled tightly into fists. They already pierced the skin and she slowly felt blood pool in her palms. She didn't care.

"Nothing to say for yourself, Betts. Oh my god. Were you apart of all of it? Maybe we should show Betty what happens to sinners in this town." Chuck said slightly louder. The word sinner made her visibly cringe and her stomach turn.

Betty found herself standing up with tears threatening to spill over. She was about to walk away when Chuck grabbed her waist and slammed his lips into hers. Her arms were unable to move. Her cries for help was muffled by his lips. When they seperated, he had a harsh grin on his face. She just stood there shocked at what just happened.

"You see Jughead she is a traitor to Riverdale. Just. Like. Her. Father" Chuck said turning to a side. Betty saw the look of hurt, disgust and shock on Jughead and her friends faces. Jughead dropped his plate of food on the floor and walked from the crowed that was gathered around him. His eyes were glazed over with tears.

As the lunch tray hit the floor, Betty pushed her way out of the cafeteria and to the Blue & Gold. She heared the click of the lock and only now she let the hot tears slip down her cheeks. She slid down the door as her legs crumbled under neath her.

Tears turned into sobs. And soon she was on the floor with great sobs racking her body. Small breathes came out of her mouth, as she was unable to control the cries. She didn't come out of the Blue & Gold till she had managed to calm herself down. By now everybody had left. She bolted home still unable to catch her breath.

She sat on her bed as she watched notifications from her social media come through. 'Go to hell slut' one wrote. Once again tears spilled oved her red and puffy eyes.

She didn't recieve any calls or texts that night from her friends. Just harsh bullies. She sunk further into her bed as she chucked the phone to the floor we such force and anger it could have smashed. She didn't care if it did though. It would be better if it did. She laid in her bed curled up into a little ball and did the only thing she could do and cried herself to a restless sleep.

It has been 2 full weeks now and she could not shake the disgust on the friends faces.

She quickly answered he mom. "Yes mom"

"Why didn't you go to school today, Elizabeth? Have you noticed you aren't living up to my expectations anymore? Maybe I should knock some sense into you again. My way" Alice said with eyes that could have killed.

"I-I'm Sorry" is all that Betty could stutter out. She knew what was coming.

"Sorry isn't good enough!" Alice spat as she backhanded Betty across the face, sending her flying backwards and onto the floor.

Betty held her cheek, while her mothers boot planted right into Betty's stomach. She clutched her middle tightly gasping in pain. She figured it was best not to scream as that fueled her mother's fire. A fist connected with her jaw. The pain was unbearable. Still she laid there helpless letting her mother lash out on her body. Another hit swung at the side of her temple. She screamed in agony as she felt blood trickle from her lip. Black spots clouded her vision.

Before she saw black...

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