Chapter 18 & 19

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Chapter 18


'About damn time.' I thought to myself as I lie in the bed at the five- star hotel he was putting me up at. I had played with that damn camera system for weeks trying to get it to go out. Once it did, I knew that it would take a repairman to fix it.

The plan was for me to 'accidently' play the old footage in front of her while checking to see if it was really working. I didn't even have to do that. The damn repairman took care of that part for me. I was tempted to send him a 'thank you' card.

It took everything in me not to laugh in her face when she started the video and then her subsequent rant. I had to keep quiet. I knew that if I would have opened my mouth, I would have been in trouble. I only needed one thing now. For her to divorce him.

Not just so that I could make sure I got custody of the girls. No, but because I never planned on staying his second wife for long. That shit wasn't even legal. I knew he was trying to manipulate me into picking this lifestyle. I let him. Knowing that one day, I would be his legal wife. I didn't know in which way it would happen. Only that it would.

This way was saving everyone some heartache. Now I didn't have to hire a hitman to kill her at one of her Open houses. At least I didn't think I did. That would depend on if she did what I wanted her to do. Divorce Mikai.

Then he would be free to marry me legally. The way that they were right now. Technically, I was just his mistress. It didn't matter if he had a policy in my name in case he died. Or that I was in his will now receiving one of the stores that he had been teaching me to run. I was still not his wife.

Once we are married, and he comes to me talking about a second wife, I will be able to say 'no'. Citing how horribly it turned out with Aspyn as the reason I want it to be just the two of us. I smiled and grabbed my journal from off the nightstand. Opening it up to where the page mark was, I grabbed my pen and made a check mark right next to number seven.

'Help Aspyn find out about the affair.'-check.

She was almost making this too easy.

Chapter 19


Vicki and I sat in her lawyer's office, holding hands and listening to what she had to say about the case. Po had gone ahead and filed for custody under an emergency state. He was saying that the girls were in an unsafe environment. Which, as he knew, was a bold-faced lie.

She sat at her desk and listened to our living arrangement. Even though she already knew what it was. Vicki was still in the hotel and Aspyn was barely saying two words to me. I was afraid I would be served with papers next. That was heavy on my mind. Believe me. I also had another wife and two more daughters to think about.

We had to figure out how to keep our family together. From both ends it seems. The parents and the children.

"You do know that the life you guys are living out here in Pyks county is illegal." She explained.

"We know it's frowned upon. But, if my marriage to her isn't legally documented, how are we breaking the law?" I asked her.

"You can call her your girlfriend or mistress until you are blue in the face. The second that you began to call her your wife when you are already married, it becomes against the law." She told us.

"That's ass backwards." Vicki chimed in.

"The law often times is. But it is what it is."

"Are you saying that he has a case and may get the girls?" I asked her, more worried now than I had been before.

"Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. You know that there are biased judges and residents here. Whether it's bench or jury, you have strikes against you. You are black. You are living a lifestyle that these nice upstanding churchgoers aren't accustomed to and you are rich. Oh, and you better believe that the poor white people are really going to hate your uppity asses. Mine too for being a lawyer."

"You ain't said nothing but the truth." Vicki agreed.

"How can we get ahead of this?" I needed to know.

"I told Vicki a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if she shared this with you. But, if she were the legal wife, it wouldn't be so bad. She would just be, re-married. Okay fine. Lots of people do that. Especially a young mother with two kids. She needs the security. Who better than a well-to-do business owner whom she was previously friends with?" She threw out there as if it was the most sensible and normal thing in the world.

I shifted in my seat uneasily. "Is there any other way?"

"Yes. She could leave."

"Leave? What do you mean leave?" I wanted to know.

"This arrangement that you have. She and the girls can leave the arrangement, and you, all together."

"Okay. That sounds doable. I can get you guys a condo and we can have visits that way. The girls won't see each other everyday, but we can do it most of the week. Get them together I mean. Once you get full custody, we can buy the bigger house we were planning to get anyway and then that will be that." I was grinning and pretty pleased with myself. Until the lawyer burst my bubble.

"That would be all nice and packaged in a bow wouldn't it? It's not going to work that way though. Believe me when I say that his lawyers will have you all under surveillance. If they see you going to spend nights and still having family days, the court will know that it's a sham. And they don't like when people try to get over on them."

"It sounds like you're saying the divorce from Aspyn is the best route?" Vicki asked.

"Yes. If she doesn't contest anything, I can have it done within a month. I can get at least three continuances to give you two a chance to get legally married. By the time we show up and have the actual hearing, you will be married to a stable business man who even your ex-husband can't deny has always been good to the girls."

'Damn it' were the words that came to mind. Everything was already so fragile. She still hadn't agreed for Vicki to come back to the house. We had some marriage counseling sessions set up. We had gone to two already. I was willing to do anything to get her trust and love back. Meaning that I was the one who suggested and found the counselor. I had gotten her to agree to bringing Vicki in too. Since technically, we were still in a marriage. All of us together.

If I pushed the issue or even if she agreed to the divorce so that Vicki could keep the kids, I was afraid she would take it as an actual divorce and leave us all. Except for Asa. She would no doubt take her and the baby along with her. Then there was that. She was months away from delivering our son. The timing on this couldn't be worse.

Our family was already hanging on by a thread. This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. And I didn't want that. I wanted my wife.

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