Chapter 3

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Rex fumbled with the light switch and saw her sitting in the far corner with her hands folded in her lap. They stared at each other in silence, sizing each other up. He slowly brought his cane to his right hand and started to twist the head. He wanted to get his sword ready in case he had to move fast.

"Please Dr. Fletcher, there's no need for that," she said coolly. "I promise you that I have no intention of harming you and I hope you can say the same for me."

"Well that depends on your intentions," he said, measuring her with his eyes but not releasing his cane. "Dr. Papadoupolos, I presume?"

"Actually it's Dr. Alexandrou. Calliope Alexandrou. I don't know why I used a fake name. I panicked I guess." She dropped her head and started fidgeting with her hands. "Please Dr. Fletcher, I need your help."

Rex slowly walked across the room and sat on the sofa facing her. She didn't appear dangerous, but she had just broken into his room, lied to his friend, and invented an entire backstory about the two of them knowing each other. Sitting closer to her he was able to see her more clearly. She was probably around thirty-five with dark cascading hair and an olive skin tone typical of Greek women. He guessed she would be slightly shorter than him standing, but she had a firm, resourceful look about her that indicated a strong will. He also noticed her hands were scuffed and hardened. As if she'd spent years holding tools and working in the dirt. As their eyes met he saw that they were a brilliant emerald green. She had a casual beauty that seemed to grow as he looked at her.

"Alright Dr. Alexandrou, or whatever your name may be," he said. "Let's start at the beginning. Why did you make up a story about us knowing each other to my friend? As far as I can recall, this is our first time meeting, right?"

"That's right. I was hoping to find you here and when I found him instead I panicked and made up a fake name and then kept rambling on about how well I knew you. The truth is that I've come here because you're the only person that can help me." She got up and started pacing across the floor. "I've run out of ideas and once I heard that you were in town I knew I had to find you and ask for your help."

Rex felt more confused after her explanation. "Ok, let's start at the actual beginning. Who are you and what are you talking about?"

Calliope stopped pacing long enough to glare at him for a moment. "I work at the University of Athens with one of your former colleagues. I just received my doctorate in Classical Archaeology and have been working in the field for over a decade. Most of my work has been centered on the Erechtheum on the Acropolis. The multiple interpretations of that structure are a fascinating study in the duality of man and the man versus woman struggle. Not to mention its significance in the nature or nurture debate."

She could see that Rex was having trouble following her train of thought and took a deep breath to calm herself. "I ramble when I'm nervous, I'll get right to it. I'm here because a few weeks ago the head of my department discovered a very curious parchment and I need your help in understanding it. You might remember him, Dr. Niko Vasili Kostas. He said you two used to be friends when you were younger."

Rex felt his blood cool at the sound of that name. How long since he had seen Niko? Decades? Maybe more, but he knew that nothing good would come from dealing with his old "friend" again. He had heard that Niko had last been working in Greece, but deliberately had not attempted to track him down and reunite.

"Niko? Yeah, I knew him. Or thought I did. We go way back and if he needs help I'd be happy to point him in the direction of the nearest library or police station. Other than that, I don't want anything to do with him. Not to speak ill of your boss, but I'd rather not get involved in his affairs. Best of luck to you." He got up to show her out.

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