A little conversation.

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Yo wat r de ups my friendoes?! Sunny here!! I'm sorry if I didn't update. I am very busy at home and my mom's job!! Dad came home!! Finally!! Anyways, I am back and come talk to me!! :D I will be updating this book a whole bunch!! Anways back to da story!! Pece!
"Hey...hey..wake up.." A familiar voice whispered softly. I shuffle a little, feelinf something soft on top of me. Opening my eyes with a littlw struggle, I see two tials wrapped around me, knowing instantly it was Tails. "Er...um..Hi Sunny." Tails said, blushing a little and smiling. I smiled and blushed too. Then I feel this pain on my leg, winching and snuggling closer. "Its a cut you got Sunny. You need to rest." Amy said, walking into a room where I don't know where. "Welcome home!" Silver grinned, patting my head. Sonic was there sitting, eating a chili dog. Shadow was looking grim and angry. Then there was this dragon, a small one, looking at me with a worried expression. "Who are you?" I asked the small dragon. He spread his wings majestically, lifting his snout, and says, "Volcano the dragon. Here for assistance." He bowed and crossed his talons. I cocked my head, ears tilting. "Yo Volcano, this ain't the medival times y'know." Sonic pointed out. Volcano shot go him a glare. "Anyways, we need to find the crystals." Volcano said, his tail sliding as he walked. Wait..crystals? Weren't it the emeralds? "No Sunny. Crystals. The legendary Nightdragon is always making mistakes." Volcano answered. Amy looked at me then Volcano in a puzzled expression. "Telepathy right Volcano?" Tails guessed. Nodding, he flapped his wings. "We leave tomorrow Sunny."

"Tomorrow? Wait, only us?" I whined, eyes turning a pale blue. Tails patted my head, trying to cheer me up. Volcano nodded, rising on his two, small hind legs. "No need to bring your friends. You have enough strength to make a long journey." Shadow looked at me doubtfully, making a snorting noise. Silver made a "is he serious" face at Sonic. Shrugging, Sonic looked at Amy. Amy got up and said to Volcano, "Wait. She doesn't have strength to walk yet. Sunny needs us to help." Tails nodded, a hopeful expression was written all over his face. Volcano frowned, his spiney ridges on his back stood up. "Of course she does! Sunny is smart and energetic." "C'mon Volcano!! Sunny needs us to help. You need help too, I know that!" Tails protested, hugging me. I nodded at Volcano. He sat down, his forked tounge licked at his sharp teeth. "Fine, we leave tomorrow, all of us." Grinni ng, I huged Tails' arm and reached for Amy's hand. Amy hugged me, squashing Tails in the process. "Amy..I can't breathe!!" Tails yelped, struggling to get out. Sonic and Silver laughed, and Shadow was there with half a smile on his face.
The pale silver moon rose up, no more than a sliver of light. All the lights were out, and I was the only one awake, outside. Looking up at the stars that looked like small fairies up, flying. I closed my eyes, remembering my dad's story about mom......
"Daddy? What are those lights in the sky?" I asked, looking at my father's eyes. He smiled at me, holding me in his arms. "Well, your mother said those are fairies, or spirits that fly up into the sky when their time is up. They watch their loved ones up in they sky, that's the best sight. They are bright because that is their love. Rarely, it can be the shape of one person you loved dearly." He finished, a tear in his eye. I looked up into the night sky, trying to look for my mommy. "Is she up there, the bright one near the moon?" I pointed. He shrugged and yawned..
-End of flashback-

Something fell on top of my head, making me jump. I took off the thing that fell on my head and saw Shadow standing beside me. "What are you doing here Shadow?" I asked, a little shaken. His silence said everything, only gazing past me. "Aren't you suppose to be sleeping?" I asked him. Shadow shrugged and said,"I don't need to sleep." I looked at him with a puzzled expression. "I was created. I am the ultimate lifeform dog. I don't need to eat or sleep." He said, not looking at me. I flatten my ears, thinking something was wrong. "Hey," I looked up and Shadow was looking at me, with his red eyes. It was kind of creepy, but I saw that his eyes were tierd and sad.
"Sorry for doing that...back there. I didn't mean to do it. I was just angry." He finished, looking up at the sky. I grinned, getting up and hugging him. He was way taller than me. I was only able to hug his hips. "I forgive you Shadow." I said, smiling. He was puzzled but patted my head. "C'mon, let's go inside. " He said walking. I limped after him, tired. Shadow looked back and he carried me on his back. "Y'know Shadow, I think you are a nice guy. You must be missing someone. Like me. That's what making you feel like this." I mumbled, half asleep. He had half a smile on his face, but his sad eyes said everything else. I snuggled closer to him, yawning. "Good night Sunny." I heard him whisper before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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