Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Dear, are you quite certain you know where we are going?"

Penny grumbled under her breath. She wanted nothing in the world more than to be away from Gavin Hendershot. He'd been speaking the entire time they'd been out riding, saying how much he loved her, what kind of life she would have with him, how beautiful she was.... Penny sighed. She knew damn well she was not as beautiful as the first rays of sunlight streaming through the clouds after a summer rain. What kind of man said things like that? Penny was not impressed.

And the answer to the question he had posed was no. No, she had no idea where they were and hadn't for a while now. A long while. The sun was beginning its downward trek. They had been gone for a couple of hours at least.

Penny wondered how different this ride would be with Ace riding along beside her on Blackey. She wouldn't be lost, for one. And she wouldn't be bored out of her head, for another. If Ace were at her side, they would be laughing, teasing one another, possibly even sitting beside a stream or a pond where Penny would be losing herself in his kiss....

Gavin's voice interrupted her pleasant thoughts. "As much as I've enjoyed this time with you, we really should be getting back."

Penny nodded. She pulled Molly to a stop and hopped off her back. Gavin frowned down at her from beneath his bowler hat. "May I ask what you are doing?"

"I'm waiting," Penny replied, wishing there had been shade anywhere near where they were lost. She walked to a large boulder and sat down on it.

"For what? Death?"

Penny thought that sounded awfully tempting. She adjusted her hat on her head. "Eventually, someone will notice that we haven't come back, and they will come looking for us."

Gavin glanced around, clearly displeased with the entire situation. "I think it would be best to move on."

Penny waved her hand. "By all means go."

Gavin was grumbling as he dismounted his horse. "This behavior is most unbecoming of you." He came to sit beside her on the rock, much to her dismay.

Penny simply remained silent. If the man was hoping for an apology he would be sorely disappointed. He should simply be happy she had not yet throttled him.

Gavin moved in close to Penny—too close. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and when she attempted to pull away his grip merely tightened. "Don't be frightened, my dear. I will keep you safe."

Penny rolled her eyes. "How exactly? Do you carry a gun I can't see?"

Gavin's eyes widened as he shook his head. "Learn to speak more kindly to your betrothed," he warned.

Penny raised her brow. "Betrothed?"

Gavin simply continued on as if she had never spoken. "And of course I will keep you safe. As a gentleman, I have learned that nearly every combative situation can be resolved peacefully with nothing but common sense and intelligent language."

Oh, dear Lord! Who did this man think he was? Penny jerked herself out of his hold and scooted farther away. Gavin fell silent and the air between them was tense. Penny hoped someone would come looking for them soon.

It seemed they wouldn't come soon enough. A yip sounded from behind them. Penny turned her head, curious about the sound, only to realize that an entire pack of at least seven coyotes was heading their way. They appeared hungry and quite intent on a meal.

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