Chapter 4: Everything else is uncertain.

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Harry POV

The door chimed and Liam, Louis and Niall came in, of course with food.  I looked at Olivia and I swear her jaw was on the floor.  I got a little jealous since her reaction wasn’t like that when she saw me.  I honestly don’t know why I’m like this.  This girl who I met 30 minutes ago has this effect on me. Her soft brown hair and sparkling brown eyes makes me smile.  God, I sound like a girl…

“Harry? You ok?”

I got back into reality and saw Olivia waving her hand in front of my face.

“Better than ever” I winked at her, which caused her to blush.  “Good.” I thought.

“Good! You looked distracted. Do you want to sit?” She asked me, pointing to a nearby couch the boys were occupying.   I nodded and we sat next to each other.

“Oh Haz! I haven’t seen you in awhile!” Louis chirped.

“I was with you the whole day boo bear” I smirked.

“I just missed you so much!” He laughed which cause everyone to laugh as well.

“Aww how cute! You really are that close!” Katie smiled, sipping on her coffee.  I smiled and went back to talking to Olivia.

“So Olivia-“

“Liv would be fine”

“Okay Liv, Why are you here in London? You don’t talk british.” I asked.

She laughed.  “I’m from New York. I and Katie are studying Fashion Design so that’s why we’re here.”

“Oh well that’s good.”

“Yeah, the best! How long are you going to stay here?”

“For about 4 months, we’re just recording and all.” I said.  She sipped her coffee and looked at me.

“What?” I looked at her too.

“Just can’t believe I’m talking to you. I feel like it’s all a dream.” She sighed and looked at me again.

I chuckled and pinched her arm.

She jumped and glared at me. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?”  She wasn’t mad just surprised I guess.

“It hurts right?” She nodded.  “Then this is the real deal.”  I winked at her, touching the part of her arm that I pinched.  She laughed at me and set her coffee down.

“You really are something Harry.”

“Haz would be fine” I said.

“CARROT!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Louis screamed.  Luckily there weren’t many people so we won’t be kicked out soon.  Olivia looked at him like he was crazy but smiled.

“BANANA!!!!!!!!!!” Me and Olivia shouted.  We laughed at each other, her head was on my shoulder.

“Aww look at you too! Love is in the cards for Harold!” Niall said, making Olivia blush and sit up.  I glared at Niall and he just shrugged.

“Sorry…” Liv mumbled.

“Don’t worry love!” I smiled and put her head on my shoulder again.  We continued talking and laughing with the boys and Katie that we didn’t notice it was getting late.

“Unfortunately, we have to go. We need to get our books tomorrow.” Liv frowned.

“DO WE HAVE TO??” Katie pouted making Niall laugh.  I noticed his arm was on her shoulder.  I smirked; I’ll definitely talk to him about this.

“Yes we do. Bye boys! It was nice meeting you!” Olivia smiled and hugged each of us.  I noticed that she hugged me longer than the others. HA.

“I know you like her.” Katie whispered as she hugged me.

“Well… She’s fit!” I said.

“Yeah, she’s also my best friend.  Tip if you want to win her, which you’re starting too, No fancy dinners or anything high class-ish.  She wants to see the real Harry, not the hot celebrity.” Katie patted my back and went back to Olivia.

I contemplated on what she said.  I think I know what we’ll do for our “date”

Olivia POV

I opened our flat and left the keys at the bowl.  As Katie closed the door she squealed.

“OH. MY. GOSH. WE JUST MET ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She jumped around the living room doing her victory dance. I realized what she said….

“I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED. KATIE WE’RE ON HEAVEN!!!!!!!!” I screamed and danced with her too.

“And I know a certain member has the hots for you!”  Katie winked.  I knew what she was talking about…

“Maybe he doesn’t. I mean it’s the first time me and Haz-


“Yes Haz.” I rolled my eyes.  “It’s only one night! It doesn’t work that way.” I said to Katie but mostly to myself.

“Live for the moment coz everything else is uncertain! –Louis Tomlinson” She quoted.

“Yeah, yeah… Well I’m sleepy so good night girl!” I said and hugged her.

“Good night! Dream about your Haz!” She smirked.  I shrugged her comment and changed my clothes.

I opened my phone and looked at my contact list.  “Sexy Hazza! ;)” The contact read.  I rolled my eyes and put my phone near my bed.

I thought about everything that happened today and smiled.  Who would think that my first day here in London that I met One Direction and maybe having a date with one of them?!   I closed my eyes and wondered what will happen tomorrow.

Everything is uncertain after all.


Chapter 4 done! 

Well I did some reasearching for someone to play Olivia and I came up with....

KENDALL JENNER! She's just so pretty ;) Gianna agreed to this, so check her out in the side bar. I was wondering, what do you think of this story? And if you want something to happen please say so! We might consider it ;))

So please comment and vote!! Also, spread this story we want everyone to read it!

-Rai @wonderstruck710 xx

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