Chapter 5: Crash Pad

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Phoebe’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t stop sweating and shaking like made with this ‘Duff’ dude was talking to me. He was very sexy, with his wavy blonde hair, sexy leather pants and a Ramones singlet. He looked so cool, too cool for me and I was trying my hardest to not freak out in front of him. I don’t know why I didn’t notice him on stage earlier. I could see in the yellow streetlights that (I think) he had some “guy liner“ on and it really suited him. After we finally introduced ourselves and we shook hands, I felt his hot skin and his hands were strong, rough yet soft. As he was smiling at me, I was beginning to feel my knees go weak until a loud crack came out of no-where, which made us both jump, and it was the main singer opening the side door and he stuck his head out.

“Phoebe! That’s where you are! Come back, the girls have left with the other guys. And Duff...” he muttered something to Duff about keys to his car or something; I wasn’t really paying that much attention because I was too busy looking at Duff. I just realised that I didn’t even know the main singer’s name...

The main singer held out his hand to walk me back inside, and I dropped my grip from Duff’s hands. It seemed like he didn’t really want to let go, and it seemed like he didn’t really want to come back in with us. But he eventually moved his feet and came with us.

Just as we walked back in I saw my Bruce sitting on one of the dirty couches, with a girl and she was straddling him.

“What the fuck?! I don’t want to see that!” I half whispered half yelled into the main singer’s ear. I kept on staring at the two wondering if they would notice three people watching them. Something caught my eye above the couch and I saw Gemma holding hands with the guitarist with the afro. They were smiling and giggling with each other until she noticed Bruce on the couch.

“Get in there Brucey!” She slurred before she was pulled into one of the dressing rooms with the guitarist. Bruce was way too in the mood and just ignored her and began to feel up the chick.

“Okay, I’m leaving now.” I said as I darted out to the side stage door and walked back into the main area of the Whisky. Pretty much everyone had left and a few of my work mates were cleaning up. Where the hell was everyone? I looked up to the large clock on the wall and it read a quarter to one A.M.! WHERE THE FUCK DID THE TIME GO?! I needed to go home, since it had been a big blur of a day. I took off my apron and realised that I couldn’t go any further because Gemma only had the keys to her place. Well, fuck.

I stood there not knowing what the fuck to do until Duff and the red head came back into the room.

“Where are you going?” asked the red head.

Before I answered him I quickly asked him what his bloody name was.

“Axl.” He replied smoothly and he put an arm around my waist. I saw Duff glaring at the two of us. What the hell was his problem all of a sudden?

“Anyway, where are you heading off to?” Axl asked again.

“Well, no where because my room mate just went off into one of the rooms with your guitarist, and she has the keys to the apartment, since I literally just moved in today with her.” That was probably too much information and they probably didn’t really care.

One in a Million (Guns N' Roses: Duff McKagan/Axl Rose) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now