November 17, 10:30 A.M.

341 9 0

Ryan woke up to the same song he's had as his alarm for God knows how long. Some shitty techno band that he used to be infatuated with back in highschool. Grabbing his phone with a groan, he turns off the alarm. He barely got any sleep that night after finding you. Rubbing his face in attempt to shake off some drowsiness, he hears his phone buzz. And buzz again. And again. Muttering to himself, "Jesus fucking christ..." he opens his phone again to see,

Matt 🤡: Sooo
Matt 🤡: At the bakery huh? What a fairytale
Matt 🤡: Don't ignore me RYAN

Ryan just chuckles to himself, seeing the texts were each only about two minutes apart. Just responding with a simple, 'yeah, at the bakery. He's cute too' he clicks his phone off and sits up. With a loud yawn and a stretch, he was ready to set off on his day. Grabbing the ever so eloquent outfit of a pair of black jeans, a black shirt and a khaki jacket, his outfit was done. One hair brushing and teething cleaning later, his keys were in his hand and he was wishing his dog goodbye. The bakery was the only place on his mind, and he hoped you'd be working there this morning.

Pulling a beanie out of a pocket in his jacket and putting it on, he can't help but notice that his hair was a wreck. He slightly smiles to himself, shaking his head. Since when did he care about appearance? That wasn't like him. When he finally reached the shop, he couldn't help but stop for a moment and look. The door had many spots of color, as did the exterior in general. From what he could gather, it was a worn little baby blue shop with a bronze door. Ryan took a breath, flattened out his shirt and walked in with a the faint chiming of a bell, and there you were. He found himself smiling again, and couldn't help but melt a little when he saw your eyes light up once you saw him.

"An iced coffee and some little cookie things?" you playfully tease, a smile spreading across your face. He let out a small laugh and was doing his best not to creepily stare at your happy expression.

"Nah, actually, I just wanted to say hi. When are you off today?" he inquired, taking a seat at the bar as he talked.

He noticed your eyebrows raise a little, this must be quite uncommon for you. "Oh, uh, I'm off at noon so... About an hour" you look to a clock on the wall, then back to him while you spoke. He smiled to himself, seeing that darker shade of gray settle on your face as it always does when you get embarrased.

"Well, I'll wait for ya. I gotta do some work anyway" he pulled a laptop out of the bag he brought in and opened up YouTube. You couldn't see that of course, he just wanted to kill some time. He hears you softly laugh before turning to take the order of someone who walked in.

Time passes slowly, the quaint little bakery never having more than about three people sitting there. Mostly elders, Ryan notes. Must be a peaceful job he assumes. He notices that another person walks in looking disheveled walks in, and hurriedly walks off into the back. Quickly thereafter, you're standing beside him while he packs away his stuff.

"Why's your coworker look so freaked out?" he asks with a laugh, seeing the girl quickly tie an apron behind her back and rake a hand through her hair.

"Pssh, that's Casey" you smile and give her a wave as she perked up, hearing her name, "She's always scared she'll be late. Never seen her come in before noon though" the girl, Casey, rolls her eyes with a smile and walks over to the bar.

"Yeah, and you're damn lucky too. Guy who closes up is always fifteen minutes late, and that's on a good day" she ends her sentance with a small huff, and Ryan quickly finds himself tuning out you and her chatting.

"Ready to go?"

"Oh! Right, yea. Nice meeting you Casey" he does his best to play off the little startle you gave him and stands up, waving to the girl as you both leave the shop.

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