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𝓐𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥:

I hate school. I hate the people in my school. Fake ass people with hair extensions and blonde hair and the boys? Don't get me started on those rich good for nothing players.

Shutting my mind and getting rid of my bitter thoughts I force myself to get up from bed and start my day when,

*vibration vibration*

You have one new message.

Message? From who? I thought, but still walked back to my bedside table and unlocked my phone. Now now now, I'm one of the most anti-social people at school so i would never expect anyone besides Drake, my best friend and the only guy i can tolerate, and my sister to text me or leave messages. Yet since there could have been an emergency I opened the message.

"Em! Dude I swear to God if you haven't left home to pick me up I'm not gonna be able to see him! Do you want your poor poor best friend to end up single or die of heartbreak? This is my soulmate we are talking about, can I please see some seriousness?! PICK UP MY CALL OR ELSE... 

Okay WOAH who did i call, uhm hello stranger, well since Em isn't picking up her cell can you pick me up.."

I was just gonna reply angrily when i realized its a recorded message.

"...I'm just kidding jeez. Well nice talking to you or well yeah, NOT talking to you. I'm gonna go  now, yea, bye! Have a nice day amigo!"

Even though she spoke really fast, her weirdness just made me softly chuckle and shake my head. Not fathoming much over this little message I quickly took a shower, changed and left for school.

As I got out of my car, I noticed Drake walking towards me with a big smirk on his face. Like always.

"Guess who just had the quickest little make out session with Summer Adams?"

"You and i both know that she's doing  that only to get close to me babe," I said with an innocent look.

"Asshole... Did... Did you just crack a... joke? Are you okay, do you need to visit a doctor?", Drake said with a wonder-struck look on his face.

So remember when i said i'm not the nicest person around?


 Well i just don't like my classmates and hence do not let anyone see my nice side, the side that i built a wall around. The side I show is full of scowls and glares and punches, and well let's just say it does not include jokes and puns. So when i made that joke, i didn't think twice and just let it slip from my lips.

"Yeah close your mouth asshole, it was not that bad a joke. And it was the truth," I said with the smallest shrugs and a bored expression on my face, trying to avoid the fact that it was a big deal. But I think Drake got the hint and let it go.

As I was taking my book from my locker while Drake told me about his 'flavor of the week AKA chick' I couldn't help but catch the eyes of several of the 'popular' girls. I immediately looked away and for some reason thought about the message that the girl who's name i didn't know, left on my phone.

Without thinking i smiled a small smile thinking about it. Who was that crack-head anyways?  

HEY! Stop day dreaming Austin. My conscience yelled at me.

But you know what else it told me? It told me that it was going to be a good day, after a very very long time. And i let that keep me going. Oh and Drake hitting the back of my head ofcourse.



guys please vote, comment and tell everyone about this book cause WHY NOT?

now that THAT is out of my system, don't worry i shall update you'll as often as i can and keep you'll happy and content ;)

Till we meet again,


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