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The air grew colder around the cloaked figure, as they swiftly moved along the rocky pavement. It seemed like time was stationary whenever they took a step.

Whispers of the Shadow Princess's arrival had made its way into the Grey Market. The people had prepared for her, by silently standing to the side, awaiting her command. Her powers have caused most of the nation to kneel to her.

A man in an obscure wrap scuttled up to the Princess. He was hoping not to be the unlucky gentleman who had to communicate with the assassin. "My queen, we have received intelligence that you are planning to go to the kingdom of Miradowin. What may we have the pleasure of assisting you with?"

The Shadow Princess smiled coldly. "Thank you, raven. But this mission is for me. I will not need support in infiltrating the castle."

"But how are you to do this, my queen?"

"Have you not hear the rumours of my powers? Do you dare to question me?

The man started biting his lip anxiously "Indeed my queen, I have heard of your gifts from the Lord, Danu. I apologise for doubting your knowledge."

The princess chuckled softly. "Yes, raven. I bear the curse of Danu. Have you forgotten?" The man shook his head indignantly, worried of what was to come. "I will make you, and all these people remember. You will never forget."

She thrust out her hand in the direction of the man, who had backed away in distress. Her eyes became a pool of black ink as she looked at the people around her.

A dusky lining had formed around the unfortunate soul. He screeched in fear and begged profusely for someone to assist him, but nobody paid heed as they were too afraid to do so.

A flash of light radiated off of the man before he had disappeared in an instant, the only sign of anything ever happening was a shattered blade on the ground. Nobody dared to make a sound, nobody dared to move, and nobody even dared to breathe loudly. They didn't want to say something that would end them up dead, or worse.

The princess looked around and watched the terrified expressions on the people's faces. She was used to it, remembering her first murder. The queen of Miradowin, the evil she had done to the Shadow Princess when she was a little girl. It was to seek revenge and tear down the fake image Beatrice had put up.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you. I can destroy you with a flick of my finger. I can send my hellhounds to you and make them tear you and your family apart," she paused. She knew that not one more person would step out of line; they were too anxious to do so. "I will raise monsters from Hell to go after anyone who dares to question me and my abilities."

One little voice spoke up. It was of a child, a little girl no older than 6 years old. The Princess's expression softened, as she knew firsthand what it was like to be afraid at a young age. "What happened to him?"

The Shadow Princess closed her eyes. "I sent him away to Lilith's dimension. He will be back in 12 hours, assuming he survives."

And with that, she coated herself in black shadows and disappeared into the ground, leaving a muddled and petrified audience watching her exit.


"Father, I'm going out."

"Go ahead, Caspian."


"Father, what is it?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing."

"There is obviously something."

"Not at all, Caspian."

"Spit it out. I'm sure you're dying to tell me."

"Caspian, you know I'm dying, so why don't you be a little more civil? This is hard for me, I've lived this life for so long, I've grown to love Miradowin, my subjects, you and Athena. I don't want to go."

"I know that Father bu-"

"Quiet, Caspian, before you say something you'll regret. These 13 years without your mother at my side, has been eating me away for so long. You need to understand that. You need to see it in my perspective. I accept my fate. I accept that my lord, Belenus has given this rare illness for me to bear. But I will see Beatrice again.

"You need to heed my words. I am your king, your superior and I will not tolerate any more disrespect! We are no longer to have a close connection. I am your Lord, and you are the prince. Do our duties and be done with it!" He snarled, anger seeping out of him. His face had turned red with rage, but now that the resentment was gone, the king felt slightly ashamed of what he had said.

He had told his son to shut up before he said something he would regret,but it seemed Arthur had done exactly what he told Caspian to not do.

There were no words to describe the awkwardness between the father and son. Ithad been years since Arthur had brought up the queen and it had brought pain,sorrow, but joy as well to think he would see his beloved one more time.

Caspian wasn't bothered to say anything before flouncing out of the room. Heknew that a man must never cry, so there were no tears in his eyes. He hadlearnt long ago that crying and displaying too much emotion would showweakness, which he had no intention of doing so.

He passed his sister Athena, who was confused as to why her brother was in a temperament.

"Casper, what's wrong?" She asked, her voice laced with caution; sheknew of his irritation.

"Ask Father! He knows everything! He is the king. Listen to him!" Hedeclared indignantly. Athena was taken aback by his anger, however she wasunaware of the source, meaning she could do nothing to calm him.

He strode hastily away from the conversation. Athena watched him go, beforestorming into the throne room.

"Father, what have you done?!"


Danu - Celtic goddess of magic and curses

Belenus - Celtic god of healing and death. Accociated with the Greek God Apollo

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