Chapter 2

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We just stared at each other for what felt like forever. I don't think either of us knew what to say.

"Where have you been?" she asked with sad eyes.

She looked as if she was going to cry at any second, which was exactly what I felt like doing right now.

"I've been here. I live just a few minutes away," I said softly. I watched closely as a few tears fell from her bright green eyes that were the exact same color as mine.

About a minute passed and by now she was sobbing and I wasn't any better.

It hurt to see my own sister cry.

It hurt like hell.

Especially when it's all my fault.

All of a sudden she ran up to me, embracing me into a tight hug as she whispered, "I missed you Rea," in my ear.

I hugged her back, holding her as tight as I possibly could. I never would have thought that I'd be seeing my one and only sister today.

"I missed you to Lucy,"

After Lucy and I reunited we found a table in the food court so we could each get a smoothie and talk about whatever we wanted to. As we sat across from each other, all I could think about was when she was going to ask why I left. My stomach was turned upside down and I'm not sure if it's because I'm so happy to see her or if I'm nervous about telling her why I left.

Lucy has always been the one to say exactly what's on her mind right when it pops into her head. Sometimes it was a good thing, but most of the time it made the whole situation even worse.

I checked the time on my phone quickly since I need to make sure I'm not late picking up the triplets from daycare. Last time that happened, I had to pay extra for making them watch the kids longer than I signed them up for, even though it was only a half an hour longer.

I have at least an hour until I have to get them. I was gonna go to the grocery store beforehand, but that can wait.

"So, how've you been?" I asked in a soft voice.

A bright smile spread onto her face as she sat up in a straight upright position.

"I've been good! I finished college, bought a house, but most of all I just missed you," her smile dropped and her excited facial expression changed into one of a serious tone. "Why'd you leave anyways?" my heart dropped as soon as the words left her mouth.

I didn't know what to say.

What am I suppose to say?

Should I just tell her the truth?

I paused for a minute, just staring into her eyes, until I said the first thing that came to mind.

"I can't tell you,"

"What? Why?" she asked. I bit my lip, fighting the oncoming tears. I don't even know why I'm about to cry!

"I don't know. I guess, if you find out then everyone will know then someone's bound to tell him!" I yelled in a panicked tone. A single warm year rolled down my cheek as I looked at a confused Lucy staring back at me.

"Who's 'him' and what would he find out?" she asked.

I took a deep breath before deciding that I might as well tell her. She'll never give it up if I don't anyways. Maybe she'll be able to keep it to herself for once.

"Chase,"I mumbled.

"He said you left him. Why? Did he cheat on you? Hurt you? If he hurt you I swear I will hunt his little ass down and use the sharpest knife I have to cut his stomach open and tear out his intestines all while he watches," she narrowed her eyes as she clenched and unclenched her fists.

"No Lucy he didn't cheat on or hurt me. Just give me a sec I'll show you why I left," I pulled out my phone and went into my photo album where I found my favorite picture of the triplets.

I smiled at my little babies before turning the phone around to show Lucy.

This is it.

I'm about to reveal the one secret I've been trying to hide for the past three years.

"This is why I left," she looked at the picture and furrowed her eyebrows. She then took the phone from my hand and a brought it closer to
her face for a better look at the photo.

"How are three toddlers the reason why you le.......ohhhhhhh," she said as she finally realized what I meant. "You were pregnant?" she looked up at me with a shocked expression. I slowly nodded my head and her eyes widened almost to the point where they looked like they were about to fall out of her face. "But why would you leave? You obviously didn't cheat on Chace; they look just like him. What other reason would you have?"

"I found out I was pregnant right when Chace was starting to play in the NFL. Neither of us wanted kids so the first thing that popped into my head was to leave. If I left, then Chase could focus on football and not kids. He probably would have left me anyways so I thought to just save myself from an even bigger heartbreak and just leave," I buried my head in my hands to hide myself from Lucy's intense gaze.

"Well why'd you keep it from us then. Mom, dad, and I could've helped you. You could've had help raising them," she exclaimed.

I took my head out of my hands and ran my hand through my hair. "I know, but if I told you then other family members would've found out and you know how our family is. They can never shut there mouths, so Chase would've eventually found out and I don't want that,"

I took a long drink of my strawberry smoothie and looked at Lucy with frustration. At this point I don't even care what questions I answer anymore. She might as well know everything before she jumps to conclusions like she usually does.

"Does anybody know?" she asked scrolling through the photos of the triplets on my phone.

"Only Lilly and Daniel. Lilly was the one who forced me to take the pregnancy test," her head flew up and she looked at me like I had three heads.

"So Lilly knows, but you couldn't even tell your own sister. How has Lilly not told Chace yet anyways? She's his sister for heavens sake!" I took a deep breath. I knew this was toning to happen.


"No!" She stood from her seat and began to pace back an forth mumbling to herself. Something she tended to do when she was upset. People began to stare at us, some with worried expressions, some with amused, and some with annoyed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed mine and Lucy's purse from the table and took her by the arm dragging her out of the food court.

As we were walking I tried to talk to her. "Look Lucy, when I got pregnant I was still really young and I panicked. I never thought that I would end up getting pregnant and I didn't know if Chase was going to even want to help. I was so freaked out that I even thought of adoption but as soon as I saw my babies on the monitor I knew I had to protect and love them even if it meant keeping them away from their father and you. There's nights that I literally stay up all night crying because I feel like a failure. A failure to you, to our parents, and even to my kids. I'm the reason why they don't have a proper family and I regret ever leaving. I'm not asking for your sympathy, I just want you to understand that I'm sorry. I really am," by the time I was finished were standing next to the mall exit. I wiped away a few tears from my eyes before looking up at Lucy. She was staring contently at me with a sad look in her eyes. The corners of her mouth twitched up into a small smile before she wrapped her arms around me. Without hesitation I did the same. This was it. Standings here with my arms tightly around Lucy, I knew I had her back.

I had my sister back and this time I knew I wasn't going to let go again.



I know this chapter isn't very long, or edited, or very good, but I just wanted to give you something so you don't hate me. I'll try to update sooner next time(Hopefully November isn't as busy as October)but no promises.


P.S. The picture at the top is kind of how I imagine Rea, but idk. I might change the picture if I find a different one.

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