Yoruko's and Lola's 1x1 One Punch Man RP

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Name: Yoruko Kurosaki
Age + Birthday: 19; July 15
Gender: Female
Occupation: Hero. B-class and Rank Seven but overtime, via training with Bang or Sonic, she soon reaches A-class. In the Villain! AU, Yoruko becomes A-class after three months thanks to Sonic and Garou.
Species: Human Reaper
Alias: The Reaper
Hero Name: Shadow Runner
Weapons: Yes, a katana that reaps one's Soul with Shurikens made from her Darkness Manipulation that are powerful than normal ones.
Powers/Skills: Superhuman speed, Electrokinesis, Darkness Manipulation, Enhanced Healing and Durability, Vortex Creation, Dimensional Travel, and Molecular Acceleration - Phasing.
Independent or Dependent: Independent
Allies (Heroes in the Villain! AU): Iaian (Hero), Garou, and Sonic.
Enemies (Villains): Saitama The Caped Baldy, Metal Bat, and Watchdog Man.
Personality: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Tsundere but more dere to her allies/friends, loyal to her affiliation, Introvert, and will be cold to her enemies.
Talents: Running fast, calculating quickly on plans, and predicts what happened at crime scenes or finding a way out.
Dislikes: Annoying people, people who drink, Saitama for hurting Sonic's pride, and Watchdog Man because he did perverted things to her.
Likes: Ramen, hanging out with her allies, doing Forensics, and playing games.
Fears: Water/Aquaphobia, spiders/Arachnophobia, and death (Thanatophobia).
Strengths: Being fast, using fears against enemies, surprising people with her speed, and incredibly intelligent.
Weakness: Her friends, cute things, being complimented, and being distracted.
Goals/Ambitions: Defeating Saitama, to be a great hero, winning a fight against Fubuki, and preventing Blast from coming back.
Hobbies: Playing games, hanging out with her friends, and listening to music.
Affiliation: Hero Association
Training: Meditation and improving. She does this two hours, one hour for meditation and another for improvement, during her daily routine.
Residence: City Z and her home is above as the main image above the title of this part/chapter.
Height: 5'4
Hair: Spiky neck length black hair.
Eyes: Oval black eyes.
Skin Color: Pale.
Body Type: Lean and athletic.
Tattoos/Piercings: One around her neck which is in Swedish and that says "Beware going through time". Another on her back as a skull and has a lip piercing in her bottom lip.
Scars/Birthmarks: Only a scar, and a hole resembling a shard she got from Fubuki two years ago that's on her left shoulder blade.
Hero Outfit: Top looks torn and wispy at the hem of it, black pants with lightning bolts on each side of them, shoes look wispy and black, has a cloak that's tattered at the collar of it and near the shoes, and wears a helmet with black lightning bolts on the communication receivers.
Casual Outfit:
1. Black jacket over a skull shirt, black capris, black argyle hat, black fingerless elbow length gloves, and black shoes.
2. A long t-shirt that's too big on her, sweatpants reaching her ankles, and ankle-high socks. Yoruko wears a oversized jacket over her shirt. (Sleepwear)
3. A black dress reaching past her kneecaps with oddly enough black sneakers, and her gloves. (Formal wear)
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Losing her mother to a monster known as a Hollow, which was a former Human who stayed on Earth for its desires.
Interest(s)/Crush(es): Genos, but Villain! Genos in the Villain! AU. For a Yandere Scenario, he's oddly enough protective of Yoruko and won't hurt her. Yoruko's other crushes are Stinger (who would appear to help her in time of need, of when she least expects it) and Garou, who's her best friend.
Family: Barry Allen (Speed Cousin), Isshin and Ryūken Ishida-Kurosaki (Fathers), Masaki Kurosaki (Deceased mother), Ichigo Kurosaki (Older Twin Brother), Karin and Yuzu Kurosaki (Sisters).

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