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• 11:55 PM • Luke's house •

Timothy shivered as Luke glowered down at him.

"Did you really think that was going to work out in your favor?"

Luke asked, cuffing one of Timothy's wrists to the bedpost.

Saying Timothy was horrified was an understatement.

His punishment had barely even started and he already preferred being in the basement.

The blindfold was already on Timothy, which didn't ease his nerves any bit.

Luke cuffed Timothy's other wrists to the other bedpost.

"I was just trying to help them, Are you mad?"

Timothy whispered. Luke scoffed.

"Darling, you haven't seen me mad,"

Luke growled. Timothy trembled, nodding.

"Are you scared, baby?"

Timothy nodded.

"I don't want to be punished..."

"Don't think of it as a punishment, darling. Think of it as a lesson,"

Luke said, walking over to the dresser and picking a knife off of the top.

Timothy squirmed.

"Don't move too much."

"The cuffs hurt on my ankles,"

Timothy complained, stilling his movements.

"Did you think they were supposed to feel good?"

Luke asked.

Timothy shook his head a little bit, biting down on the inside of his cheek.

Luke pressed the tip of the knife to the inside of Timothy's arm.

Timothy's breath hitched when he realized what his punishment was consisting of.

The knife broke skin as Luke dragged it across Timothy's arm.

Timothy gripped the chain of the cuffs, starting to cry.

Luke pressed it to Timothy's shoulder

right next to the growing scab from his previous punishment.

Blood seeped from the new wound, dripping onto the towel Luke had placed beforehand.

Timothy was starting to panic.

It stung badly.

He very well knew that Luke could easily drive the blade into him.

But Luke wouldn't do that.

As it has already been established, Luke couldn't truly harm Timothy.

A plan formed in Luke's head, causing him to grin.

Timothy didn't like the sudden pause and how Luke started to him as if deciding to do something.

Luke decided to start on Timothy's stomach, carving out the the letters of his name.

Timothy didn't enjoy the stinging cuts, but at least Luke's name was short.

Luke moved to Timothy's arms, adding his name there as well.

Timothy was sobbing at this point, body shaking with each one.

Luke added his name in other spots, like Timothy's chest and thighs, before he was content with his claim.

"Now everyone will know who you belong to,"

Luke whispered to Timothy, who just sobbed.

"And that is?"


Timothy croaked and Luke grinned.

"Good job, baby."

At this point, Timothy just wanted to sleep.

It was a brief escape from his reality.

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