Chapter 1

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Brenda and Thomas sat on a fallen tree near the water. Minho and the others went to sleep. They had all worked the entire day finding food, water, building shelters, etc. Thomas wasn't really tired though and neither was she, so they had decided to go watch the sun go down.

"Wow we actually did it." Thomas said after a while, still not believing that the gladers beat the maze and with the help of Brenda and Jorge, beat the Scorch and Wicked.'

"Yeah...." She said drifting off into a yawn. He looked over at her. She was already falling asleep. Her head laid on his shoulder, her eyes closed. He decided it was time for them to go to sleep. Not wanting to wake her up, Thomas carried her over to the new homestead that the gladers had created. He laid her down on the soft sand and moved her head onto a makeshift pillow. Then he got down and laid beside her.

The sun had gone down completely and now only the crackling of the fire and the chirping of the crickets was able to be heard. He heard the snap of a stick and shot up.

"Who's there?" He whisper-yelled. No response except a groan. Thomas got up, if it was a Griever or an animal he needed to protect Brenda, the gladers, and the immunes. Grabbing a spear fomr a pile that the gladers made, he walked out of the tents. There was a silhouette of a person, a girl, but he couldn't make out who it was.

"Hello? Who are you?" He asked again. She looked up towards him and then collapsed. Thomas wasn't sure whether to go over to her or not, so he stood there staring at her. Then there was a voice.

It's me Tom, it's me

He knew that voice, it was Her. She was gone, dead, forever out of his life. It couldn't be her, he had to ignore it. His mind was messing with him. yet Thomas still had the hope that it might be her.


Yes it's me, please come help

She answered. Either this was a good trick or it really was her. Either way he had to find out. Thomas stepped forward, then another step, another. Pretty soon he was running full speed towards her. He skidded to a stop in front of the girl. It was her, it was Teresa. This was no trick, she had survived. Tears streaming down his face he hugged her so hard she started coughing. Teresa's eyes opened and she started crying too, which made him cry even more. Then he heard a voice.

"Thomas!" Minho whisper-yelled. Thomas ignored it and picked Teresa up since she couldn't walk. SHe leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Thomas carried her back to the tents. Minho saw them and ran over. He was going to say something but stopped, his eyes widened.

"Woah, how the shuck is she alive?!" He asked suprised to see her.

"I don't know but she's alive and now I have to make she stays that way." Thomas said walking past Minho. He didn't look back at his friend, practically brother, but instead kept walking to the tent. She was also asleep and she should stay that way if he wanted her to get better. Thomas laid her down on a mat crated by on of the med-jacks, and knelt beside her.

"Thank you." He told her, "Thank you for not leaving me. I don't know what'd I do." He felt a hand on his shoulder. Thomas looked up at Minho standing behind him. He knew what the fellow glader was thinking about, it wasn't hard to figure out. If Teresa had lives, maybe Newt had too. Of course Thomas new it wasn't possible considering Newt had died at the hands of Thomas.

Thomas stood up and pulled a log into the room Teresa was in. He knew Brenda might get mad, but if she dies again this may be his last time with her. He moved her head onto his knees and grabbed her hand. Minho walked out of the the room most likely to go back to bed. Thomas must've fallen asleep because he felt someone shake him lightly. He slowly opened his eyes. It was Brenda. Noticing he was still holding Teresa's hand, he let go and put her head back on the pillow. When Thomas looked back to Brenda his face must've been bright red. Brenda smiled and shook her head.

"I'm not mad, you guys were best friends for a while and you loved her. Though i do want to know how she survived." She said looking down at Teresa. He wondered the same thing.

Teresa jumped to his feet and looked towards her. Brenda didn't move she just sat on the ground. He assumed she was just tired

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