Chapter 2

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A/N *Im so so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating, but here's another chapter for you all

~Ginger ❤️*

Thomas decided to look for Teresa to ask her what Brenda's response meant. Frypan had said

she was in the cafeteria, but he couldn't find her. Brenda was here though. Thomas went and

sat next to her, but she just stood up and moved over next to Jorge at a different table. That's

when Teresa walked in with a couple female med-jacks, or doctors. He waved her over, she said

something to then and came over.

"Hey." She said with a smile.

"Hey. So I have a question." He asked.

"Okay, go on."

"Alright, so when we got back I went to talk to Brenda." Teresa's eyes got a sad look but she

tried to cover it up, " I just told her how I think we shouldn't be more than friends, an she just got

up and left without saying anything." He looked at her. "What does that mean?" She thought for

a minute.

"I don't think it meant anything. She is probably just mad at you." She said, "Go talk to her. Ask

her what's wrong." She said motioning her head towards Brenda. Thomas nodded and walked

towards her.

"Hey....what's wrong why are you mad at me?" He said asked down at her table, she didn't

respond. He sighed he knew it wasn't gonna work. Standing up he started to walk towards the


"You want to know why I'm mad Thomas?" She croaked. He spun around.

"Yes I want everything to be good between us. Please tell me." He said pleadingly.

"Nothing can ever be good between us with her around." She said spitting it out in a venomous

tone while pointing at Teresa. Thomas was a little taken back. He never saw Brenda as the

jealous type or whatever.

"We were perfect safe, alive, and I know you loved her and were friends with her for a lot longer

than you knew me, but ugh! As soon as she came back you ditched me and went right back to

her!" She was standing half-yelling now. Thomas didn't say anything, he just stared at her with

wide eyes. He knew where she was coming from he had just left her and went back to teresa,

but he was never in love with her.

She sat down and went back to eating. Thomas stood up and noticed everyone that was in the

cafeteria had seen the little quarrel. Teresa had disappeared, so with everyone staring at him he

walked out. Teresa was walking toward the river, she didn't know he was behind her so he

followed her. She walked down to the river and stopped. Then she started crying. For as long as

Thomas had known her, he had never seen her cry. She collapsed on the ground coughing and

crying. He immediately felt guilty, he wasn't exactly sure why but somehow he felt this was his

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