Chapter 2

221 5 3

Perez added Hazard

Courtois: Eddeeeennnnnnn

Hazard: Thiiiibbaaauuuuttt

Kroos: Uhh...should we leave

Courtois: I missed you

Hazard: I missed you tooo

Marcelo: We'll come back when you're done

Courtois: 😑😑

Olivia: That is so adorable

Hazard: Uhh don't wanna be rude but who are you ?

Jovic: ^

Kroos: Marcelo added her by accident and now she's Sese's girlfriend and our good friend

Hazard: Uhm...Sese ?

Isco: Yo Thibaut you didn't teach him anything?

Ramos: Rude Isco

Isco: Sorry

Hazard: No problem but again who's Sese ?

Jovic: ^

Ramos: 🙋

Kroos: You know you could've asked us those questions when we added you Luka 😐

Jovic: IDK I was excited

Hazard: So Marcelo accidentally added a girl to the chat and now she's Sergio's girlfriend...

Hazard: How did that happen ?

Jovic: ^

Kroos: @Luka 😑

Courtois: Due to our constant pestering

Jovic: annoyed them into getting together

Olivia: Basically yes

Ramos: Uh...ouch

Marcelo: Burn Sese burn 🔥🔥

Kroos: I love you Capi

Olivia: Hey you got Lucas

Jovic: You guys are together ?

Vazquez: No

Hazard: A little confused here 🙋

Ramos: They're like you an Tbibaut

Courtois: Hey we're just best friends

Marcelo: Edeeennnn

Isco: Thiiibaauuut

Marcelo: I missed you

Isco: I missed you too

Courtois: I can't miss my friend

Olivia: Thibaut a year ago,"wherever I go, Eden goes with me"

Kroos: You knew he was coming before it was official

Ramos: We asked you for months

Courtois: Well I wasn't supposed to tell you

Marcelo: He wasn't supposed to tell you

Hazard: Hey I'm staying out of this

Asensio: Oh my god guys

Asensio: I turned my phone off for 10 minutes

Asensio: 150 messages

Jovic: You guys are weird

Jovic: But I can get used to that

Peace and Hala Madrid

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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