Findings in the Attic

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    "Mom! I can't find it." Mandy slumped down on the railing and sighed, walking on the creeky dark wood floors. She looks up at the dark, damp room smelling of old, wet carpet. Boxes upon boxes of probably garbage and junk, old trinkets and baby toys.
    "Just go through the boxes, it'll be there!" Mandy's mom shouted. Mandy groaned. Mandy sifts through the boxes finding exactly what she predicted plus old photo albums. The room goes quiet when she stops shuffling through everything. The rooms light buzzes and swings back and forth. "CLUNK." her bag swings. Mandy jumps and lets out a yelp and suddenly she was on the floor. She looked beside her and saw her phone on the floor with a small crack on the right hand top corner. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" she yells. "MOM! Do I really have to do this?! Especially on my birthday?!" The door opens swiftly. "Do you want your presents?" "ugh." The door closed as swiftly as it opened. Mandy stood back up and dusted her self off. She picked up her phone and put it back in her bag. This time remembering to click the button in do her phone doesn't fall out again.
    It has felt as if Mandy has been up there for hours, but the reality is she's been up there for about 45 minutes looking for this stupid stuffed animal for her baby sister. "BAM!" "ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. Ooooo. Oh my god. Ouchy ouch ouch. My foot." a box fell over as she held the tip of her foot. She looked around to see what fell over, secretly hoping it was that stupid teddy bear.
     The brown box sat flipped over on the wood, something shining in the box. Mandy opened the box slowly, the cardboard flapped open. A beautiful, shiny, jewelry box. "Wow." She set the jewel covered box aside and looked through the rest of the box. Next there was a book. It had weird symbols on it. Maybe a foreign language? She flipped through the dust filled pages, all a different language. She closes the book, becoming bored of not being able to read it. She set the book on top of the jewelry box. She put her hand in the box and felt a cold object on a string. She pulled it out and saw that it was a key, a key with zig zags and splotches of rust. "Interesting." she said under her breath. She opened the box fully so the light could hit the inside, there were 3 bottles. One with gems, labeled bloodstone, another bottle labeled mint, and the last one labeled ash. The last things were red chalk and matches. Mandy put all of the items in her back and walked down the creeky wooden stairs. "Yessssss." a voice whispers as she's about to open the door. She looks around spooked, her face went white and eyes went large. "H-hello?" she said. No one replied so she opened the door quickly and scurried out back.
    "Where do you think you're going miss birthday girl?" Her mom questioned. "Just outside, I'm taking a break. Byeeee." she ran out the back door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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