A Fighting Chance

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My name is Anelia Stilinski.

My life as a child was pretty normal per say. I have a brother who prefers to be called Stiles, and my fathers name is John. The McCall's were very good family friends, I had known them since I was little, Stiles and Scott being very good friends, while I was pretty close to Melissa, Scott's mother, my own having died when I was younger. They were my family, they were who I loved, and who loved me.

When I had graduated high school, I was 17. I knew what I had wanted to do, but I was too young at the time. So I went to college for 2 years, and got my degree in nursing. And at, what many consider to be young age of 19, joined the Marine Corps.  After I joined my life revolved around a few things, most of it being my strength, power and commitment, but also to my family, and my team, who I consider family as well. And 5 short years later, here we were here, still saving lives and trying to make the world a better place.

While at times it may not be pretty, I'm happy with it. 

It's me, and it's my life. 

'A Fighting Chance' by Abby_Roo ©™  

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