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First, I would like to say that I’m only using my own creativeness to build a story around the characters that came from Stephanie Meyers Twilight Saga. I don’t own a THING; I’m just using her characters. Secondly, I would like to thank whoever reads this at whatever time because I worked really, really, REALLY hard on this story. So, now that I’m done saying all that needed to be said. I’ll stop the pestering now, read and enjoy folks.


Mention of suicide will be in this story, if you’re uncomfortable with it then please don’t read.


Seth already phased, but Leah hasn’t . . . yet.

Jacob ran away after Bella went to save Edward

And . . .

Eleazar is still working for the Volturi


No matter where I move I’m stuck in a fog. If I turn a certain way it is always there, clouding me in its icy embrace, keeping me from seeing what I really need to see.

I can’t see because of the thick fog, but I can hear, and my hearing rivals that of animal. But even that description isn’t good enough. It’s like my senses have been reborn and have multiplied times 50.

I can hear the branches swishing back in forth in the wind, the elk grazing the grass in a nearby meadow, and the flowing of the water in a stream.

The loudest noise is the sound of four paws hitting the ground headed my direction, and then a howl pierces through the quiet night air. Deep down I know I should’ve been afraid, but I’m not. The howl makes me feel at home, like I actually belong.

The fog slowly evaporates away from my being, and I see that I’m in a clearing. The trees stand tall around it, and the moonlight makes the setting look fairytale like.

The sound of rustling though the bushes in front of me catches my attention, and out comes a wolf. A wolf that is 3 times bigger than any wolf I’ve ever seen. Its reddish brown coat is beautiful and it shimmers lightly under the moon. Its eyes are the loveliest shade of brown I ever seen, and I know it is that of a humans.  How can it not be?

The wolf emits a growl suddenly and it’s hair standing up on end as if I’m the threat. There is so much anger in his eyes, so much anger for me that it takes me by surprise. I’m still not afraid.

The wolf shifts its body weight back as if it’s about to attack, but I can’t move. Now I am afraid.  My feet feel like they’ve been planted to the spot I am standing at. I close my eyes, and I feel the air shift around as the wolf leaps towards me . . . and then . . .

Nothing. Nothing at all.

 Nothing is attacking me, but I can feel the warmth of the wolf on my skin, I can hear the rapid heartbeat, I feel the soft tufts of his coat, and I can feel its breath on my neck.

I know that the wolf can never hurt me, and that I am his, and he is mine. We are connected; we have a bond that no other being can seem to fathom. The soft tufts of fur I felt once before become strong muscled arms of a man that I know can protect me. The wolf, I mean the man says my name gently in my ear, and my skin breaks out in goose bumps, just from hearing his deep voice.

My eyes suddenly have the courage to open, and when I look nothing is there. The trees, the moonlight, the clearing, the forest . . . and the man are gone. It’s as if none of it was there, but I didn’t want to believe that, I couldn’t.

The fog from once before whirls around me and pulls me in its grasp. Pulling me into a dark abyss that is unknown.

I scream, yell, and fight back, but I am slowly going down . . . and down, and down.


Dark Abyss (A Werewolf Twilight Story)Where stories live. Discover now